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Parkland Post - Friday 29th September 2023

Welcome to this week's Parkland Post!  We had a brilliant week with all of our children talking enthusiastically about their learning when we had a visitor at school.  Our Eco Warriors have been busy tending to the Peace Garden during their club, and we have had the Class Charts Shop open for Key Stage 2 - next week, it will be KS1's turn, so keep collecting those points!

Macmillan Coffee Morning


Thank you to everyone who came to our Macmillan Coffee Morning today.  We raised for an amazing cause; thank you for being so generous. We will update you on our total. We will be selling more at the end of the school day! 


NSPCC Speak Out, Stay Safe


Next week, we will be having an assembly delivered by the NSPCC all about their programme Stand Up, Speak Out, which helps children to understand they have a right to feel safe and that they can speak to an adult or Childline if they need to talk to someone.



Attendance Matters


Our Whole School Attendance was 90.73% last week, which is falling short of the national target of 96% so I would like everyone to ensure they come into school every day and on time, so children are not missing out on essential learning.  We have our Attendance Reward on Thursday afternoon for those who have been here 100% of the time - well done to those who will be taking part.  


And finally...


We hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the autumnal weather.  Mrs Wierzbianski is going to spend time with her daughter walking Jet, Mr Watson, Ms Pascoe and Mrs Shirra are all working away on a residential. Every day is a school day!!



Tommy W - Show you care

For being able to support his friends during play and work together on new ideas.


River – Do What Matters Most

For using amazing vocabulary in literacy lessons, well done!

Eve – Be Yourself, Always

For improving her fine motor skills and writing her name.

Year 1

Arya-Grace - Be Yourself Always

For concentrating well in all lessons and answering all questions given.

Alyssa - Show You Care: 

For her positive attitude to learning.  She is a credit to the Year 1 class.

Year 2

Bethany - Succeed Together

Working cooperatively with others and always helping and sharing

Mollie - Be Yourself, Always

Focusing on the classroom rules and showing maturity

Year 3

Ralph – Be Yourself, Always

For his super transition into Year 3 and enthusiastic attitude to learning. Super Proud of you!

Ruby-Lee – Succeed Together

For having a thirst for learning and she is always going out of her way to help others.

Year 4

Phoebe Webster – Succeed Together

For writing an amazing setting description in English using expanded noun phrases. Phoebe works extremely hard and always supports her peers. Well done, Phoebe!

Angel-Rose Flanagan – Be Yourself, Always

For being a hardworking, caring and kind member of Year 4. Angel always has an amazing attitude to school and always works to the best of her ability. Well done!

Year 5

Deacon – Show You Care

For always being kind and considerate of everyone around him.

Amelia – Do What Matters Most

For improving your attitude for learning and focusing really well in class, especially in English!

Year 6

Miley Doyle - Do What Matters Most

For taking huge steps to put learning at the focus of everything she does.

Kaja Wolkowicz - Show You Care

For taking great care in everything that she does.