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Parkland Post - Friday 22nd September 2023

Welcome to this week's Parkland Post!  The weather this week has certainly been changeable - one minute raining and the next it is beautifully sunny.  Please can all children bring a waterproof coat with a hood and make sure to put their name in it, so it can be returned if lost.  

Mrs Wierzbianski has been visiting classes this week and has been so impressed with the way children are coming into school and getting straight on with their learning.  She loves to hear all about what they have been learning and has been thrilled to have so many visitors to her office from children who have good work to share - keep up the incredible work!  One particular highlight has been seeing our Nursery children voting for their book of the day for story time - so many discussions around the 5 Frame; Is it full?  What differences do you notice between each 5 Frame?

Rock Star Day

What a day we had!  The costumes, face paint, hair styles and overall enthusiasm for our Rock Star Day made everyone so happy - even the staff!  We loved the rock music blasting out from our parents' speakers on the morning drop off.  We relaunched TT Rockstars during our afternoon assembly and even had time for some children to show off their times tables skills in front of the whole school.  

Macmillan Coffee Morning - 29th September 


On Friday 29th September straight after our Celebration assembly, we will be holding a Coffee Morning to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.  If you would like to donate any cakes or buns for us to sell, we would be very grateful.  If you are baking your own cakes/buns, please can you write a list of ingredients so anyone with allergies can select food which they can eat; thank you.

Visit to Co-op Live

This week, 13 of our Year 6 pupils had the opportunity to visit Co-op Live Arena in Manchester.  They braved the M62 in the torrential rain and winds and made it for a guided tour around the arena.  They were able to find out all about the construction of the venue, how sustainable it is and what sort of events there will be.  Our children looked brilliant in their hi-viz jackets and hard hats.  Thank you to the team at Co-op Live for showing our children around and to Mrs Peacock and Mrs Clegg for accompanying them on the visit.  

Railway Safety Visit

This week, Karen Bennett from Community Rail Lancashire, visited our academy to talk to KS2 children about keeping safe on the railways.  She taught us all about the dangers of the electrified rails, the dangers on the platforms from the slipstream when freight trains pass through the stations and how to be a good passenger.  There was even time for many of our children to dress up in the railway uniforms whilst Karen talked about the various careers and skills needed for each career.  Thank you to Karen for an incredibly fun and informative afternoon. 

Pride Awards



Georgia - Show You Care
For following all the class rules and routines, keep up the hard work! 
Mayzee - Show You Care 
For coming to school every day with a smile on her face and being brave. You are a superstar! 

Year 1

Neeyah - Succeed Together 
For doing an amazing job with Phonics this week always staying on task and being kind to others!
Luca - Do What Matters Most 
For taking part in all lessons, using great reasoning and helping others!

Year 2 

Neveah Mae Flanagan - Be Yourself, Always 

For always helping the adults and the other children, thank you Neveah!

Arlo Best- Do What Matters Most 

Putting lots of effort into his work this week with all subjects.

Year 3

Ellis - Show You Care 

For Starting Year 3 with a great attitude. Super proud of how mature and considerate you have become!

Olivia - Succeed Together 

For her amazing attitude to learning and commitment to helping her peers. 

Year 4 

Alfie - Succeed Together 
For working really hard on his diary entry in English. He has included all the correct features in writing and he is very supportive of his peers. 

Ava - Be Yourself, Always

For coming to school with an amazing and positive attitude to learning. Ava has had an excellent start to Year 4 and is an absolute pleasure to teach. Well done, Ava! 

Year 5

Cajatan - Do What Matters Most 

For putting all of his effort into his English work. Cajatan has also been contributing more in lessons. 

Kiarna - Show You Care

For being a lovely talk partner. She gives her partner fantastic feedback. 

Year 6 

Chelsey - Show You Care

For always taking exceptional care and concentration in everything you do, keep it up!

Kayla-Mae - Be Yourself, Always

For focusing on your learning behaviour to ensure you can learn at your best. 


And finally...

We hope you have a fantastic weekend and that we get to see more of the crisp and bright conditions we have had this week.  Year 1 found lots of interesting natural objects in their outdoor learning session yesterday, perhaps you could find some of your own at the weekend and create some artwork similar to Andy Goldsworthy.  Mrs Wierzbianski is going to enjoy an afternoon tea, Ms Pascoe is going to visit Fountains Abbey with her family, Mrs Shirra is going for a walk with her girls, nephews and nieces and Mr Watson is visiting Blackpool with friends. 
We will see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.  Remember, every day counts!