Parkland Post - Friday 15th September 2023
Welcome to the first week of this year's Parkland Post! What an amazing start everyone has made, it has been wonderful to see so many happy and smiling faces as families enter our academy each day. Thank you to all families for working hard at getting their children in on time and in every day. We will be having an attendance reward day on Thursday 5th October which Mrs Flaherty is organising - keep a lookout for further information.
Meet the Team event 5th October 2023
On Thursday 5th October 5-6pm, you will have an opportunity to meet our fabulous team. Teachers and support staff will be here for you to put a face to a name and give you a chance to ask any questions you might have about settling in. We will be sending a letter out on Monday with further information. It will begin with a short presentation from Mrs Wierzbianski (Head of Academy) and Mr Sowter (Executive Headteacher) and then there will be refreshments and a chance to circulate and meet the team.
Macmillan Coffee Morning 29th September 2023
We are going to be holding a Macmillan Coffee Morning on the 29th September which will take place after our Celebration Assembly. There will be ooodles of cakes, buns and biscuits for you to enjoy and it's all for a good cause. We do hope to see you there!
Ukulele - extra after school club
Jazz from YACAD has offered a 5 week after school club which will begin this Tuesday 3:15-4:15pm. Please sign up for this in our main office - places are limited so it will be on a first come first served basis.
PTA Meeting 21st September 2023
We are holding our first PTA Meeting and would like to invite new and existing members to this. We will be looking at planning this year's events - we already have lots of brilliant ideas to share with you!
We hope you have a wonderful weekend and we will see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors will open at 8:40am so that learning can begin at 8:45am.
Parkland Pride Awards
All of Reception-Succeed Together
For all children coming to school with a smile on their faces.
Year 1
Willow-Be Yourself Always -
For participating eagerly in all lessons this week, being kind, and always staying on task!
Jamin- Show You Care
For leading by example, following high classroom expectations, and helping others!
Year 2
Blake - Show You Care
For being a supportive friend.
Ava - Be Yourself Always
For her amazing effort in Maths.
Year 3
Kian - Show You Care
For being a considerate member of the class.
Jaden - Succeed together
For Starting Year 3 with a great attitude
Year 4
Leo-Show You Care
For helping the new children in his class
Jordan-Succeed Together
For working extremely hard in maths and conquering his fears!
Year 5
Joshua Jones - Be yourself always
For his fantastic writing, his personality really comes across in his written work, and we are so proud of him.
Aisha Begum - Show you care
For taking extra care to complete her summer holiday project book. Aisha has wowed us with the extra work she has done independently.
Year 6
Tyler - Succeed Together
For following all the behaviours for learning rules
Regan - Succeed Together
For a great start to Year 6!