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Parkland Post – 15th October

This week

Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post.  We have had another busy week, our pupils have been impressing Miss Connors with their knowledge as she has been visiting classes.  This week’s Hot Chocolate Friday was fabulous as our pupils love coming and talking about what they have enjoyed most about the week and get to enjoy delicious drinks and biscuits!

Parents’ Evening
Parents’ Evening will take place next half term, we are going to hold a consultation with you to see how you would like these to take place e.g. in person or a phone call so please watch out for that information in the near future on our Facebook page.

What have we been learning this week?
In Nursery, they have been learning about autumn, collecting pumpkins, creating their own pumpkins with orange playdough, collecting sticks and leaf printing. 

In Reception, they have been making story maps of the Rainbow Fish book and creating repeating patterns. 

Year 1 have been learning all about maps and keys in their quest to find Beegu which we can now announce has been found safe and well – we are all incredibly relieved!  They have also been labelling parts of the body.  Year 2 have been learning about Henry VIII and his wives as well as reading the book The Lonely Beast.  

Years 3 and 4 have been learning about the rainforest and can wow you with facts all about it. 

Year 5 have had a fabulous week developing their scientific enquiry skills. They have been learning all about living things and their habitats so they decided to see if they could spot patterns in data, looking at whether there was a correlation between animal size and life expectancy. Guess what? Normally, the larger the animal, the longer it lives, except for turtles which can live up to 150 years! 

Finally, in Year 6, they have been closely observing mouldy bread (yes, you heard that correctly, observing mouldy bread) as part of their science work where they were focusing on fungi and its importance in our world.
We hope you have an amazing weekend and we will see you bright and early on Monday morning to begin our final week of this half term.


Sports clubs for both Key stages, ND Dance and Drama continue as normal after half term.

Coding Club with Miss Connors will start on Monday the 8th of November (10 Places for Y4 and Y5).

Science Club has now finished and Christmas Craft will start on Tuesdays after half term (10 Places for Y5 and Y6).

Breakdancers have had a text about the next block of lessons, please let us know if you do or don’t want your place. Each childs parent/carer on the list has recieved a text. The cost for the next block will be £18 due on or before the 22nd October. Thank you.


This year our Harvest Competition has the theme of Scarecrows, all children from Nursery to Year 6 are encouraged to make, create, build or decorate a scarecrow, be creative! We need your entries to be in school on Wednesday the 20th of October. They will be diplayed for everyone in school to see and staff will pick winners to recieve a prize and certificate in the Friday assembly.

Our Harvest Festival is taking place on Friday 22nd October at 9am.

We are delighted to be able to invite you into school to watch our pupils share songs and information about harvest around the world.  We will also be joined by Rev. Mary Winters and can’t wait to welcome our Parkland family back through our doors.  Please feel free to wear masks if you wish and socially distance wherever possible.

Secondary School Application

Please make sure you have applied for Year 7 place at upper school by the 31st October. The closer we get to this deadline the busier the applications page will be so please take this into account. Any problems give us a call and we can do our best to help out.

Secondary Application Form

Parent Forum Dates

Thank you to those parents that attended our previous forum, it is important that we get your input and ideas for school. If you can make the next one please join us for tea and cake and a good chat! Here are the dates for the rest of the year.

November 25th

January 27th

March 4th

May 5th

Parkland Pride

Do what matters most

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together



For developing her music skills and how well she can follow a beat using the instruments.


For her ever improving attitude to school and her learning.



For her amazing story map and for being able to retell the story of The Rainbow Fish.

Chloe P

For always being a good friend.

Year 1


Fabulous labelling of his human body in Science. Harry now knows which sense is linked to which body part.


Her fantastic effort in our music lessons. Ruby can find the pulse independently and leads others in our singing.

Year 2


Wanting to do well and putting in the hard work. Well done!


For focusing on her work and giving 100% effort. Well done!

Year 3/4NW


 Contributing well thought out ideas in our discussions about rainforests.


Working well as part of a team in our PSHE lessons, you showed 100% commitment.

Year 3/4A


Stepping up to the Y3 expectations and aiming high in all subjects this week.


Helping your peers with their learning.  You have shown your kindness and support everyday.  Thank you. 

Year 5


For excellent contribution to science using the correct vocabulary.


For excellent contribution to science using the correct vocabulary.

Year 6


Showing great empathy during our Holocaust Memorial Day.


Such amazing effort getting to grips with exchanging in maths this week. 

Parkland Panthers– PE awards

Year 1 – Poppie and Leo S

Year 2 – Gracie-Mae and Jacob D

Year 3/4A -Georgia and Millie

Year 5 – Grace and Alfie

Year 6 – Kaidan and Emily