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Parkland Post – 19th November

This week

Miss Connors began the week delivering an assembly which focused one the this year’s theme ‘One Kind Word’.  She began by asking our pupils what kindness means to them and there were lots of good ideas from them.  Miss Connors then showed images of reminders of how to be kind and asked how we would put this into action across our school.

Times Tables of the Week
This week, KS2 have been reciting their 8x tables again so they can become more confident with this knowledge.  We have added a ‘bop’ to ensure we all stay together as we call them out.  In KS1, the pupils have been counting forwards in 2s from 20.  

Learning across KS1 this week:
In Year 1, they have been adding and subtracting within 10 and finding a total.  The pupils worked together as a whole class and then worked independently on these calculations. 

In Year 2, they have been putting themselves into the role of Goldilocks who has written a letter of apology to the 3 Bears.  The pupils have used Talk 4 Writing techniques to discuss their ideas before writing them and have then completed their first draft of the letter.  Piper has included an apology and has tried to make amends which you can see in her writing below:

We hope you have an enjoyable weekend.  Please remember to build in some time each day to listen to your child read, send a photograph to our Facebook page if you ‘catch’ them reading and help them to practise their times tables.  We will see everyone bright and early on Monday morning! 


There will be lots of parent events, Christmas activities, fundraisers and other fun things happening over the festive period so please take a look at our events page overv the next few weeks of term for all of the information.

Children in Need Day 2021

Thankyou so much for joining in today, and for all you contributions that will help to make a real diffrence to children in Need. We have so far, a total of over £150. Amazing!

Parent Forum Dates

Thank you to those parents that attended our previous forum, it is important that we get your input and ideas for school. If you can make the next one please join us for tea and cake and a good chat! Here are the dates for the rest of the year.

November 25th

January 27th

March 4th

May 5th

Your voice Survey

Every year, Co-op Academies Trust carries out a survey in all academies.  They survey all parents, pupils and staff and then review the responses to make improvement and to do more of the things you tell us are going well.  Please follow the links below to tell us your thoughts.

Parent Survey Link

Child Survey Link

Parkland Pride

Do what matters most

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together


The whole of Nursery

For being a wonderful team and always helping each other by succeeding together.



 For being a kind and considerate friend to the other children. 


For working hard in phonics all week. 

Year 1

Leo G

His fantastic efforts in writing, becoming more independent and using his phonics knowledge.


Her continuous positive attitude to learning. Putting her all into her work and this shines.

Year 2


Being focused to achieve his targets and an excellent introduction to his letter.


Improving himself by focusing and learning more.

Year 3/4NW


Always giving 100% to everything and trying her best.


Working hard in a guided group to write a diary from th point of view of moon man.

Year 3/4A


Working harder than usual to produce amazing work- your diary entry is amazing.


Working really hard and helping your friend with 1-10 more and less. Well done.

Year 5


Working so hard, even when things are new or tricky.


Always bringing enthusiasm to his learning.

Year 6


For his amazing effort in maths.


For his wonderful attitude to learning and being an all round superstar.

Parkland Panther- PE Awards

Year 1- Charlie-Joe and Marnie

Year 2- Piper and Lacey

Year 3/4A- Daisy and Regan

Year 3/4NW- Jessie and Jason

Year 5- Lewis and Ffion

Year 6- Lucy and Tyler