Parkland Post – 26th November
This week
Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post, it has been another busy week full of learning and singing as we practise the songs for our nativity and carol concert in a few weeks time!
Parent Forum Feedback
Yesterday, a team of parents and carers attended our Parent Forum and helped us to produce an action plan linked to mental wellbeing. There were lots of discussions and it gave us a chance as school staff to find out how you are feeling about what is taught in our curriculum and how we support the mental wellbeing of your children. We will communicate the action plan as soon as it has been finalised and look forward to having mental wellbeing as an agenda item at every Parent Forum in the future. We would like to thank all of those parents and carers who came in to support this incredibly important aspect of school life.
Keep an eye on our events page for everything you need to know about the festive period and whats happening in school in the near future.
Parent Forum Dates
Thank you to those parents that attended our previous forum, it is important that we get your input and ideas for school. If you can make the next one please join us for tea and cake and a good chat! Here are the dates for the rest of the year.
January 27th
March 4th
May 5th
Your voice Survey
Every year, Co-op Academies Trust carries out a survey in all academies. They survey all parents, pupils and staff and then review the responses to make improvement and to do more of the things you tell us are going well. Please follow the links below to tell us your thoughts.
Parkland Pride
Do what matters most
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together
Fantastic work on name writing this week
Fantastic work on name writing this week
The whole class
For their excellent behaviour and listening skills on our trip to Tropical World.
Year 1
Her new and improved attitude to all areas of learning. Coming to school with a smile every day.
His fantastic attitude to learning especailly in our Nativity rehersals. Bowie always puts 100% in.
Year 2
Always being a kind and supportive member of class.
Jacob S
His fantastic Geography work on locating the 4 countries of the United Kingdom.
Year 3/4A
Ellie Mae
Showing a positive attitude towards learning and engaging more than ever.
Always being supportive and patient with your peers. Your kind nature is wonderful to see and be around.
Year 3/4NW
Showing great improvement in your reading fluency, you have knocked Mrs North’s socks off this week!
Having a really positive attitude and sharing his fantastic ideas.
Year 5
Working so hard at her reading and sharing her story- reading with others.
Always doing his best and being kind, gentle and wonderful. Well done.
Year 6
Taking on feedback and always striving to make improvements.Well done.
An excellent recreation of an Anderson Shelter and surrounding gardens. Well done.
Parkland Panther- PE Awards
Year 1- Jersey and Leo
Year 2- Lola and Alfie
Year 3/4A- Tommy and Noah
Year 3/4NW-
Year 5-
Year 6- Alex and Ava