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Parkland Post – 4th March

This week

Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post!  We have had a fabulous time as we celebrated World Book Day as it gave us all an opportunity to share stories with each other and dress up as either a favourite character or wear pyjamas on a bedtime stories theme. 

Our Book Breakfast was a great success as many of you joined us to create bookmarks, front covers for new books and complete puzzles.  The breakfast was delicious and we would like to thank everyone involved in setting everything up.  
At lunchtime, the kitchen team created a special menu to celebrate World Book Day which the children loved – thank you to Amanda and the team for all of your hard work. 

Above all, it was a day to celebrate books, characters, illustrations and helps to raise the profile of reading, which can only be a good thing! We hope you have a wonderful weekend and remember to use your World Book Day voucher to get yourself a new book.  We will see you bright and early on Monday morning!

Skills builder task

This half term, we are focusing on the Teamwork skill.  This weekend’s challenge is a fun one – see who can build the tallest tower.  You could send a photograph to our Facebook page via Messenger which we will add to our display board in school.  There will be five Parkland Points for everyone who takes part; I can’t wait to see your towers!

World Book Day Gallery!

Red Nose Day

Parkland Bake Off and Non uniform day!– 18th March

To raise money for red nose day this year we will be holding a bake sale. There will be 3 categories and prizes to be given out for the best baking! The categories are parent, staff and child bakes. Please do not add nuts to your baking and be aware children will be able to buy 1 treat at breaktime for 50p. Leftover bakes will be sold at the end of the day. You can dress in red or wear non uniform aswell!

Parent Forum Dates

Thank you to those parents that attended our previous forum, it is important that we get your input and ideas for school.

If you can make the next one please join us for tea and cake and a good chat! Here are the dates for the rest of the year.

March 24th

May 5th

Pride Awards


Erin, Grace and Mayzee-Jane

For having a great first week. All 3 girls have settled well and slotted right into our Nursery. Well done girls!



For working hard to complete his morning task independently


For always working hard and trying her best. Well done Lara!

Year 1


For always showing a great attitude in and out of the classroom.


For working hard on her handwriting and creating beautifully written pieces of work.

Year 2


His much improved confidence in the classroom.


Working well with others in order to succeed. Well done Brooke!

Year 3/4A


Staying focused to complete your Viking tunic in DT.


Showing determination and commitment to maths, especially his times tables.

Year 3/4NW


Always giving 100% to everything she does.


Perservering with his learning to add, multiply and subtract using formal methods.

Year 5


Making a real effort to be on time and improve his school attendance.


Always having such an excellent attitude to school and learning and being a joy to teach.

Year 6


Showing resilience during assessment week.


Navigating clearly to classmates during orienteering.

Parkland Panthers- Pupils who shone in their PE sessions this week

Year 1 – Charlie-Joe

Year 2 – Mason and Ruby

Year 3/4A – Tommy and Eboni

Year 3/4NW – Mya and Jack.K

Year 5 – Karter and Hollie

Year 6 – Alex

Do what matters most

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together