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Parkland Post – 11th March

This week

Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post.  We have had a fantastic week, especially as the weather is getting warmer and the mornings are getting lighter. 

Skills builder task

Meet our Governors – Garth Davenport

Garth Davenport is our ‘Meet the Governor’ for this week.  He has recorded a short message for you all to introduce himself on our facebook page.  You will see him around school from time to time, helping to keep our school safe.

Red Nose Day

Parkland Bake Off and Non uniform day!– 18th March

To raise money for red nose day this year we will be holding a bake sale. You can dress in red or wear non uniform aswell!

There will be 3 categories and prizes to be given out for the best baking! The categories are parent, staff and child bakes. Please make sure you label any boxes that you wish to have returned.  

Please do not add nuts to your baking and be aware children will be able to buy 1 treat at breaktime for 50p. Leftover bakes will be sold at the end of the day.

Parent Forum Dates

Thank you to those parents that attended our previous forum, it is important that we get your input and ideas for school.

If you can make the next one please join us for tea and cake and a good chat! Here are the dates for the rest of the year.

March 24th

May 5th

Pride Awards



For having a fantastic first week in Nursery and for settling in so well!


For developing her Minibeast understanding and giving her ideas during group time.



For working hard to achieve her target of writing her name. 


For his ever improving communication skills. We love hearing your voice in class Shontayne! 

Year 1


For working hard to complete her maths work independently.


For always contributing to our class discussions and sharing his ideas

Year 2


Trying hard to follow instructions this week and making the right choices.


Fantastic effort in reading this week and not giving up when things got tricky.

Year 3/4A


For trying and trying again.  Your determination to do well is incredible Noah.  Well done.  


Working hard to create a fact sheet about the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings.  She used some fabulous key words.  Well done!

Year 3/4NW


Writing a wonderful setting description using expanded noun phrases.


Amazing dancing and singing in our African assembly!

Year 5


Always being there to help others, especially helping her younger sister around school.


Settling in to year 5 so well, always working hard and doing his best.

Year 6


His resilience in maths. Find percentages of amounts. 

Alfie H

Always looking out for his friends and other people in his class 

Parkland Panthers- Pupils who shone in their PE sessions this week

Year 1 – Kian and Isabel

Year 2 – Fabien and Lily

Year 3/4A –

Year 3/4NW – Jayden and Mya

Year 5 – Connor and Isha

Year 6 – Finn and Lucy

Do what matters most

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together