Parkland Post – 25th March
This week
Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post. Our children have been buzzing as the weather has been glorious allowing for the Daily Mile to be completed in the sunshine as well as taking part in our Big Wheel and Walk. Don’t forget, this is running from 21st March until the 1st April and everyone who takes part either walking, cycling or scooting to school gets an extra workout before and after school and will receive a certificate for taking part.
Northern Ballet
Our KS2 children had the most amazing time with Edgar Lomas from Northern Ballet who came in yesterday to teach a ballet session with them. Our pupils were amazed at the core strength needed in order to perform ballet and worked muscles that they had never used before! Our thanks go to Miss Spence who organised the sessions, we hope to have Northern Ballet in again for further workshops.
Parents’ Evening
Our Parents’ Evenings will finally be able to take place in person! They are to be held on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th May. A separate letter will be sent home with your child/ren soon and if you could sign up for a slot by Monday 9th May that will give you more chance of being able to have the time/s that you would prefer.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend – the forecast says it’s going to be warm and sunny. Don’t forget to put your clocks forward early Sunday morning – the lighter nights are coming! We will see you bright and early on Monday morning.
Skills Builder Task
If anyone manages to take part, please take some photographs, send them to Facebook Messenger and we will add your child to our Skills Builder Wall of Fame and they will gain 5 Parkland Points! You might even be able to make it a BBQ if the temperatures stay high.
Red Nose Day Generosity!
Thank you to everyone who participated in Red Nose Day Baking and gave a donation, together we raised £301!
Parent Forum Dates
Thank you to those parents that attended our previous forum, it is important that we get your input and ideas for school.
If you can make the next one please join us for tea and cake and a good chat! Here are the dates for the rest of the year.
May 5th
Easter Competition
In addition to our Easter competition we will also be having an Easter raffle this year.
Tickets will be sold from the main office from Thursday the 31st of March.
All prize winners for the raffle and for the Easter competition will be announced on the last day of term in our assemblies
(assembly times to be confirmed).
Pride Awards
For using and talking through her experiences in her role play.
For showing a great understanding of tallest and shortest in Maths this week.
For being a great phonics partner! Well done Ebony.
Working hard in her phonics sessions this week
Year 1
For always wanting to join in and share his ideas in class.
For always having a positive attitude and trying her best even when things are tricky.
Year 2
Jacob D
Focusing on improving his learning and independence. Well done!
His fantastic effort in writing his diary entry this week in English. Well done!
Year 3/4A
Trying really hard in the dance workshop. I was so pleased to hear how enthusiastic you were and the effort that you put in. Well done.
Having a positive attitude and sharing your enthusiasm for life with everyone you meet. You’re a wonderful person to be around. Thank you.
Year 3/4NW
Improved focus in lessons. you are working much more independently and contributing more in class discussions.
Always trying your best and working hard. You are fabulous example for the whole class.
Year 5
Excellent spoken contributions to science and maths, and showing how much he really knows!
Really embracing her maths tutoring and doing fantastically with division. Super star Hollie!
Year 6
Alfie MD
For always being you and working hard in every lesson.
Grace and Emily
For your excellent teamwork of finding areas of a triangle.
Parkland Panthers- Pupils who shone in their PE sessions this week
Year 1 – Bowie and Jude
Year 2 – Mason and Lola
Year 3/4 – Lia Rose and Olivia
Year 5 – Lyle and Alfie
Year 6 – Miley and Jenson
Do what matters most
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together