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Parkland Post – 20 May

This week

Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post. We have four days of school before we finish for half term. We will return on Monday 6th June ready for Summer 2. Your child’s teachers will be sharing what each class will be learning and how you can support them at home with reading and homework projects. 

Rainbow Week

We have been celebrating Rainbow Week across our academy where we have read books, written poetry, had author visits and been able to express ourselves with a non-uniform day!  Our kitchen team made a delicious rainbow themed feast for everyone to enjoy.  Rainbow Week is just part of the work we do at Co-op Academy Parkland to celebrate diversity and equality which we believe is an important part of our curriculum.  Keep a look out on our social media pages for photos of this week’s events.

New lunch menus

Our delicious new lunch menus are now live on the school meals website.  It runs on a three weekly basis.  The link can be found below so you can see which meals your child can enjoy each day (just remember to select Co-op Academy Parkland).

Check out the menus

Egyptian ModRoc Death Masks Workshop

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it in to paint the Egyptian Death Masks in our second workshop – they look absolutely incredible!  It has been fabulous to have everyone in our academy again, especially as so many of you have impressive art and design skills.  

Jubilee Celebrations

Make a crown fit for a King or Queen! We’re holding a creative crown competition to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee.

Get your entries in school by 9am on Wednesday 25th May!

Pride Awards!



For her inquisitiveness and enthusiasm to care for the wildlife in our nursery garden.



For her fantastic attitude to learning. Bridie-Mae is always looking for opportunities to learn and takes great pride in her work.


For her amazing writing! Esmai is working hard to sound out and spell words independently.  

Year 1


For working hard in maths, Teddy was able to explain which containers were full, empty or somewhere in between.


For using lots of adjectives in her writing to describe The Great Fire of London.

Year 2

All of Year 2

For working really hard this week on their SATS.  We are very proud of you; well done! 

Year 3/4A


For trying really hard with the work focusing on Egyptian Gods. 


For having a positive learning attitude, especially with all of our work on Egyptians.

Year 3/4NW


For a much-improved attitude to learning and for showing great skills with adding and subtracting fractions. 


For fantastic maths work. Maks has added and subtracted fractions with confidence.

Year 5


For excellent maturity when discussing LGBTQ+ rights. 


For writing beautiful poetry about being yourself.

Year 6


For wonderful debating skills.


For fantastic work creating and analysing line graphs.

Do what matters most

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together