Parkland Post – 10th June
This week
What a wonderful first week back we have had! It has been such a busy time at Parkland and our children have returned with big smiles on their faces ready to learn which is fantastic to see. Your child’s teachers will be sharing the curriculum webs next week which details what they will be learning about over the next half term and how you can support them at home. Homework menus will also be sent home which link to the wider curriculum subjects they are focusing on.
Family Breakfast
On Tuesday 14th June at 8am, we are running the next of our Family Breakfasts which is a great chance for you to fill up on tasty pastries, butties and cereal whilst chatting to school staff and other families. We loved welcoming everyone to the last one and can’t wait to do the same next week.
Phonics Screener and Multiplication Check
Over the next few weeks, there are a range of important assessments happening in school which will give your children an opportunity to show off what they have learnt. Each year group will also be working hard on perfecting their writing so it is incredibly important that they are in school and on time every day – please support us in this by getting your children to school so they don’t miss out on essential learning.
New Reception Parent Meeting – Thursday 16th June at 9am
As we begin to think ahead to the new academic year, we will be holding our Reception Parent Meeting for children who will be going into Reception in September on Thursday 16th June at 9am. Mrs Wierzbianski, Miss Carter, Mr Barnes, Mrs Robinson and Mrs Murgatroyd will be there to welcome you and give you lots of information that will help your child (and you) to have a smooth start to the year. It will be your opportunity to see our provision, meet our staff and ask those all important questions that you may have.
Skills Builder Homezone Challenge
Our new skill for this half term is Problem Solving so this weekend’s challenge is a good one! If you complete it, share it with us on our Facebook Messenger. Your child will have their photo on our Skills Builder Wall of Fame and they will receive 10 Parkland Points. We are looking forward to seeing what you come up with. We’re going to take the best ideas and put them into a leaflet which will help our school community with tips for getting a good night’s sleep.
We hope you enjoy the weekend and that you manage to do something fun outside – Mrs Wierzbianski is looking forward to a BBQ with her family and walking our school dog of course and Ms Pascoe will be enjoying the sunshine with her children and out running! We will see you bright and early on Monday morning ready for another week of learning.
Pride Awards!
Lacey-Ann and Neeyah
For Having a fabulous first week.
For working really hard in phonics.
For being a great partner in phonics.
Year 1
For working well with others to share objects into equal groups and double numbers
For focusing really hard on his maths work. Ralph has been a super star in maths this week!
Year 2
Helping to support his peers during lessons in order to succeed and being a fantastic role model.
Your much improved focus with your own learning this week. Well done Emmanuel!
Year 3/4A
For always helping peers with their learning and helping them to stay positive. I am so pleased that you are continuing to use our previous term’s SkillsBuilder skill. Keep it up.
For your attention to detail with our work on decimals. You have grown in confidence and have been trying harder than ever with this area of maths. Well done.
Year 3/4NW
Excellent contributions to class discussions.
Giving 100% to his work this week.
Year 5
Really showing strength and resilience in class, even when things are tricky or not going her own way.
Accepting help and working with others to make better choices and succeed in school
Year 6
Being an absolute superstar this week with a really positive attitude.
For her amazing perseverance in all areas this week. Well done Lucy!
Do what matters most
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together