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Parkland Post – 15th July

This week

Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post, we have had another busy and productive week!  There have been lots of events happening and it has been lovely seeing so many parents, grandparents and carers in school supporting the children.

Sports Day

This week, the weather has been very kind and helped us celebrate our wonderful Sports Days. Thanks to all of the adult in schools involved with organising and leading such great events and to you, the parents, for supporting us and the children.

Go For Gold!

Our Year 6 children made the staff and the parents extremely proud on Thursday with two performances of their end of year production, ‘Go For Gold.’ They were absolutely fantastic and the singing was worthy of a Britain’s Got Talent audition!

SkillsBuilder Award

We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded a Skills Builder Partnership Bronze Award.

And finally…

We hope you have a wonderful weekend in the Sunshine.  Mrs Wierzbianski will be going to Valley Gardens with her nieces and Ms Pascoe will be having a BBQ with family and friends!  We’ll see you bright and early on Monday morning for our final week of learning!

Pride Awards!



For working hard to complete all events at Sport’s Day. Well done Malik! 


For contributing and listening carefully during our Co-op Curriculum Day. 

Year 1


For improved concentration on his work, I have been really impressed with how hard you have worked recently.


For being a pleasure to teach, Willow always works hard  and is a kind, caring young girl!

Year 2


Making a determined effort to build positive relationships.


Your amazing independent persuasive letter writing, Well done Louis!

Year 3/4A


For having a super attitude and being kind and supportive with your peers at sports’ day. 


For showing  a change in his approach to learning this week, particularly in maths.  Keep it up. 

Year 3/4NW


Being a fabulous role model in class – You always work hard and set a good example.


Being super kind and supplying your own loom bands to improve our class profits during Enterprise week.

Year 5


For working so hard to learn his lines in the play and engage so well with our drama lessons.


For superb effort and sportsmanship in sports day and fit such commitment to the play in drama.

Year 6


For her fantastic effort in our sports day, your throwing was superb! 


For always being a helping hand in and around school, and always having a huge smile on her face! 

Do what matters most

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together