Parkland Post – 30th September
Welcome to this week’s slightly wet and windy Parkland Post! The weather has definitely taken a turn and feels bitterly cold. Please make sure your children are wrapped up in warm, waterproof coats as they will still complete their Daily Mile each morning. There have been some exciting things going on around our academy this week from local area walks as part of the Year 1 geography curriculum, D&T days in Year 5, to our Eco Warriors visiting 1 Angel Square for the Eco Conference.
Attendance and Late Marks
As you are aware, our school day now begins at 8:45am prompt. Thank you to all of the families who are bringing your children in every day and on time. Gates are closed at 8:45am and if your child arrives after this time, it is recorded as a late mark and the length of time recorded. Every time your child is late, they are missing valuable learning time, which is time they won’t be able to make up.
Skills Builder Home Challenge
This week’s home zone challenge links to our whole school skill of TEAMWORK! See if you can complete this challenge and present your answers on a piece of paper. If you bring it back into school on Monday, it will be displayed on our Skills Builder display and you will earn 10 Parkland Points!
Individual Photographs Monday 3rd October
Individual photographs will be done on Monday. If you wish to have a sibling photograph, these will be done between 8am and 8:45am – if you arrive after 8:45am for these, there won’t be time to do them. Your children will have their individual photographs taken during the school day beginning with Nursery and working their way up to Year 6. The link to pre-register for these photographs is here: and enter the following code: JR84ZBM
We hope you have a wonderful weekend and manage to avoid the rain. Mrs Wierzbianski is going to brave Primark with her daughter as well as walking Jet and Ms Pascoe will be celebrating several birthday parties this week, hopefully not eating too much cake!
Pride Awards!
For always looking after our class resources and helping others to tidy up.
For always working hard in phonics.
Year 1
Always getting on and doing the right thing in phonics. Blayd can now independently write a sentence!
Having a mature attitude to learning since starting Year One. Ebony has grown up so much over the summer holidays. We are so incredibly proud!
Year 2
Always being ready and eager to learn.
Sharing his ideas and demonstrating a determined attitude in maths
Year 3
Superb effort in maths this week. You knocked my socks off!
Learning and remembering Stone Age facts.
Year 4
For giving 100 percent to everything and writing a super report
For trying her best with everything
Year 5
For being one of the kindest people I have ever met.
All of Year 5
Their fabulous teamwork and desire to see each other do well.
Year 6
Caring about all aspects of his school life from learning to treating others with kindness. You are a star.
Finding her voice in class and contributing fantastic ideas and insights into our learning.
Do what matters most
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together