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Parkland Post – 14th October

A warm welcome to this week’s Parkland Post!  As we hurtle towards half term, which begins next Friday, I thought we’d reflect on some of the good things which have been going on across our academy.  

We have developed a Peace Garden, groups of children have already started to use it and have been sharing their ideas of how to develop it further.  Our library has become a really popular place for our children to spend time listening to stories and sharing them with friends.  Children have requested sessions at playtime so they can access our wide range of books, something which we will be doing after half term.  The final thing we wanted to mention was our new Careers Related Learning boards in the entrance – this is where our local heroes are displayed.  People from our local community who have been to Parkland and worked at developing skills which have led to exciting and inspiring careers.  Take a look the next time you’re in school and see the journey that they have been on. 


We had two teams of Year 4 and 5 pupils who took part in a Benchball tournament against other pupils from academies across the Trust.  We are delighted to be able to share with you that our Year 5 team won and our Year 4 team only lost by 1 point!  We were also proud of our children as staff from other schools commented on how well-behaved they were.

Behaviour and Anti-bullying Policy consultation

We have updated our Anti-Bullying and Behaviour Policies and would like you to have your input.  We are holding a parent consultation session on Friday 21st October at 9am – it would be great to see as many of you as possible.

Parents’ Evenings

Our Parents’ Evenings are next week taking place on Tuesday 18th October 3:20-4:30pm and Wednesday 19th October 3:20-6pm.  We are looking forward to being able to share how well your children are doing and how you can support them at home.  There will be drinks and biscuits available.

School gates

A number of parents have spoken to us about the drop off times in a morning since the change in September.  We have listened to you and are consulting staff to find a resolution to this.  Thank you for your patience whilst we iron out any issues with the potential new timings.  

Skills Builder Home Challenge

And finally…

We hope you enjoy the weekend and manage to get out in the fresh air (hopefully to take part in our Home Challenge).  Mrs Wierzbianski is going to relax this weekend with a good book and Ms Pascoe is going to watch her son’s take part in a karate competition.  We will see you bright and early on Monday morning for our final week before the half term holidays.

Pride Awards!



For consistently working hard and having a fantastic attitude to learning. 


For trying her best with everything she does. Kayleigh-Mae is a great role model for the other children. 

Year 1


For pushing herself this week in both phonics and writing. Bonnie is becoming more independent as the weeks go by and we are so proud!


For getting on and always doing the right thing. Lara has blown Miss Moncaster’s sock off this week with her independent writing. Keep it up!

Year 2


Striving to work independently!


Always being ready to learn and being an excellent role model.

Year 3


Great attitude to learning and always trying your best!


Showing great team working skills. You help others and share your ideas brilliantly! 

Year 4


For always being enthusiastic and a keen learner


For always trying her best and for being a brilliant role model.

Year 5

Scarlett Leigh

For showing fantastic team spirit, skill, determination and sportsmanship during the benchball tournament. 


For being helpful and respectful to adults and her peers. Angelina is a model student for Parklands. 

Year 6

Karter and Ved

For asking for extra challenge during Maths and working together to solve problems.


For sharing his amazing Science knowledge on Micro-organisms.  

Do what matters most

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together