Parkland Post – 18th November
Welcome to an action packed Parkland Post! We have had a very productive and successful few weeks – I am feeling so proud of our pupils who have been shining in lots of ways not only within our academy but within our community too.
Key dates
- Parent Forum Tuesday 22nd November at 9am
- Non-uniform day (please bring in donations for the Christmas Fair) Friday 2nd December
- Nativity (Reception, Years 1 and 2) dates and times to be confirmed
- Christmas Fair date and time to be confirmed
- KS2 Carol Service Wednesday 14th December time to be confirmed
- Non-uniform day and Christmas parties Friday 16th December
- End of term assembly Friday 16th December at 9am
Remembrance Assembly
Last Friday, our community came together to remember those who have lost their lives or been affected in any way by conflicts and wars. Mrs Walsh led our assembly and each class showcased their wreaths, art work, sang songs and performed poetry. It was an amazing turnout from families; thank you for being part of it.
Cross Country Tournament
Fifteen of our children took part in the Co-op Academies PE Tournament this week. They ran their socks off and came back to school with lots of individual medals and the overall team winning medals – we are incredibly proud of them all! #succeedtogether
Skills Builder – Home Challenge
This weekend’s challenge is all about reflecting on an area that you would like to get better at. I’ve had a good think about this one and I would like to get better at completing the Daily Mile as it has such a positive effect on my mental wellbeing. Three things I will do to feel more confident in this area would be: Get outside at playtimes more often, build up each day so I increase laps and drink some water to keep hydrated – wish me luck! Let me know what you plan to get better at either via Facebook Messenger or write it down and we’ll display it on our Skills Builder board.
And finally…
We hope you have a fabulous weekend and are wishing our children who are feeling poorly a speedy recovery. Mrs Wierzbianski will be resting and recovering this weekend and Ms Pascoe will be meeting up with some old school friends.
We will see you all bright and early on Monday morning!
Pride Awards!
For working really hard and trying to join in with every part of our phonics lessons. Well done Matthew!
For always being on hand and willing to help at tidy up time. We can always rely on Luca to help his friends.
Year 1
For being an always child. Always trying hard, always doing the right thing and always being the best version of herself.
For her fantastic efforts in phonics. Layla-Faye always tries her very best. We are very proud.
Year 2
For his interesting responses to questions in all lessons and being ready to learn always.
For always looking out for her classmates and being a great friend.
Year 3
Jacob D
For a great attitude to learning
For a great attitude to learning
Year 4
Jason and Anthony
For showing excellent team work in maths challenges and discussion, pushing one another and both being excellent role models for the class.
Year 5
Kayla Mae
For her contribution to class discussions and sharing her knowledge with others.
For his care and dedication to his maths this week. Super, well done!
Year 6
For his maturity and dedication to completing and improving his work this week. Wow!
For always being there for others and standing up for what is right.
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together
Do what matters most