Parkland Post – 13th January
Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post! At the end of a wild and windy weather week, we are pleased to announce that a group of our Year 6 children attended a PE competition and returned with bronze medals! We are incredibly proud of the way they represented our academy and how hard they worked individually and as a team – they embodied Succeed Together; one of our Ways of Being.
Attendance Matters – Attendanceopoly and new prize draw!
As I mentioned in last week’s Parkland Post, attendance at school is incredibly important. We are going to be starting Attendanceopoly from next week where classes who are above 95% will be able to move along the Monopoly style board in the main hall. As each class moves around the board, they will be able to pick up prizes for their class such as: extra playtimes, hot chocolate for the class, extra PE sessions, juice and biscuits as well as many more prizes. In addition to this, every child who is above 95% attendance in a week will have a raffle ticket entered into our draw to win a family meal voucher but you’ve got to be in it to win it!
Reading – help your child to become a reading superhero
Reading – help your child to become a reading superhero
Did you know how important reading is? Reading is like a magic key to unlock the world around you. Reading is like a superpower! Mrs Wierzbianski LOVES reading and is always talking about how much she loves to read, she’s always buying books (much to Mr Wierzbianski’s dismay as we are running out of room) and she wants every child at Parkland to be a reader as it unlocks the rest of the curriculum for children.
Research shows that reading and talking about books helps children’s speech and language development, as well as their ability to understand and reflect on the world around them. It can also help to increase empathy, wellbeing, life skills and confidence.
Research also indicates that reading for pleasure underpins children’s academic attainment: children who read books often at age 10, and more than once a week at age 16, gain higher results in maths, vocabulary and spelling tests at age 16 than those who read less regularly.
How you can help:
- Read books with your child/ren at home, share stories, fact books, comics – anything helps and encourages your child to become familiar with new vocabulary.
- Listen to your child/ren read their home readers and write a comment in their reading record so they can get another stamp on their bookmark which leads them to their next reward badge.
Skills Builder Home Challenge
Here is this week’s Skills Builder Home Challenge. If your child manages to complete the task, let us know through our Messenger page and they will receive 5 Class Charts points!
We hope you have a relaxing weekend so that you’re all ready for another busy week at Parkland next week where our doors will open at 8:40am on Monday morning. Mrs Wierzbianski is going to be meeting an old friend for a cuppa and a catch up (there will also be cake…) and Ms Pascoe will also be meeting up with friends
Pride Awards!
For being a great talk partner during class discussions.
For having a positive attitude to learning and always trying her best.
Year 1
For his tremendous efforts in our spellings. Keep it up Harrison!
For always a being kind and caring member of Year One. Nikki always brings cheer to our classroom.
Year 2
For Striving to achieve her targets and becoming a more independent learner
For Improved concentration and making sure that he keeps on task in independent learning
Year 3
For trying really hard to improve your maths skills by listening to instructions and feedback.
For contributing fabulous ideas during our whole class discussions. You really think carefully before giving thoughtful answers.
Year 4
For adjusting well to English lessons in class through working really hard to push himself.
For making an excellent start in our class by working hard, being kind and adjusting to our ways and routines.
Year 5
For being supportive and helpful to the adults in year 5.
For fabulous focus in maths, answering questions carefully and accurately.
Year 6
For her amazing effort at the sports competition this week and jumping further than anyone else!
For his enthusiasm in all areas of learning, and his extra effort in maths this week.
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together
Do what matters most