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Parkland Post – 27th January

Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post.  We’ve had an amazing week across our academy with all of the children working hard.  I have loved popping into classes and talking to everyone about their learning.  I was particularly impressed with Year 4 who every morning, give some fast facts linked to the task they are doing – keep it up!

PE with Mr Parkinson

Our children can’t wait for their sessions with Mr Parkinson each week so they can continue to develop their skills set in areas such as teamwork, football, gymnastic, dance and hockey to name but a few.  It is always a joy to see their progress each week and to be able to see the PE sessions in action.

Attendance Matters

The class with the highest attendance was Year 3 with 97.3% which is definitely heading in the right direction.  Next week, if a class is above 97% attendance, they will move a space on our Attendanceopoly game which will be displayed in the hall.  Any individual child whose attendance is above 97% will have a raffle ticket put into the attendance prize box for a chance to win a £50 meal voucher which will be drawn in our assembly on the 10th of February.

Skills Builder Home Challenge

This week’s challenge is linked to our skill of ‘Speaking’ – see if you can have a go at it and let us know through our Facebook Messenger when you have completed it for 5 Class Charts points!

And finally…

We hope you enjoy your weekend, take time to rest, recharge and be ready for next week. This weekend, Mrs Wierzbianski is having afternoon tea with her auntie who is celebrating her 70th birthday and Ms Pascoe is going to the Science and Media Museum.  We will see you all bright and early on Monday morning where our doors open at 8:40am – see you then! 

Pride Awards!



For having such a kind and caring attitude to all in our class. We can always rely on Luca to be a good friend. 


For working hard to complete her morning job, even when she finds it a bit tricky. Well done Jessie-Leigh!

Year 1


For always being a kind and helpful member of Year 1.


For trying really hard in phonics.

Year 2


For working hard in Maths and using what adults have taught to figure things out independently!


For caring about her peers, helping them and helping the adult to take care of the classroom.

Year 3


For great team work in class and PE.


For wanting to do well and succeed.

Year 4


For sharing his excellent science knowledge with his teachers and peers.


Always being a kind, caring and hardworking member of Year 4. 

Year 5


For being a good role model to the class. She is always on task.


For helping others by wanting them to do well and keeping them on task.

Year 6


For settling into the class so well.


For always putting in a huge amount of effort into his work.

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together

Do what matters most