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Parkland Post – 21st April

Welcome to the first Parkland Post of the Summer term!  We hope you had a restful Easter break and that the lighter mornings and evenings are lifting spirits.  We’ve had such a busy week back and have welcomed some new members to our team.

Eco Conference

Eco Warriors gave a presentation of what we have done so far in our academy and what we are hoping to achieve over the year at Parkland and in our local community.

There was a presentation from Don Mitie about vertical wall gardens and their benefits for biodiversity and personal wellbeing.  The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) told us about a new project that will be launched in September, we took part in one of their activities and provided feedback.  The activity was called ‘What am I?’ Which you can see in the photos below.  

After a delicious lunch (Jack loved the chips), a company called ‘fairandfunky’ showed us how to make a wallet out of a juice carton; we had lots of fun!  This was followed by multiple choice questions and a Q&A session.

Finally, they introduced ‘The Great Big Green Week’ which takes place from the 10th to the 18th June 2023.  They gave us some lovely ideas for what we can do e.g. to work outdoors during lesson time and to take photos of any species we might see on the school grounds and where they found them.  

They had a busy day and loved every minute of it!  Thank you to Mrs Clegg and Mrs Lee-Winter for accompanying the children for the day.

Skills Builder Home Challenge

We had our attendance raffle in this morning’s assembly for those children who came to school 97%+.  The winner of a £50 meal voucher was Lilian Sewell, we hope you enjoy your meal out!  We will draw a raffle ticket next half term for those children who have 97%+ but you have to be in it to win it!

Coffee Morning Feedback

We had two Coffee Mornings this week and have loved having the time to chat with parents and carers.  Topics of conversation were: setting up a PTA, being more effective with our communication, curriculum and school trips.  Thank you for your suggestions, we will be working on these over the next few weeks.  The next Coffee Morning will take place on Thursday 18th May just after drop off – we hope to see lots of you there. 

Curriculum Bubbles and Homework Menus

Next week, we will be sending home a curriculum bubble which will let you know what your child is learning about this half term and on the back of this, there will be a homework menu for them to complete with a range of activities.  We will have a homework display board in our entrance and the best pieces will go on there for the whole academy to see!

After School Clubs

Monday – Lego Club and ND Dance

Tuesday – Eco Club

Wednesday – KS2 Sports Club (Years 3 to 6)

Thursday – Mindfulness Club

Friday – KS1 Sports Club (Years 1 and 2)

If you would like your child to attend any of these clubs, please put their name down in the office.

And finally…

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and that the weather is kind to us so we can get some fresh air!  Mrs Wierzbianski has a mix of a weekend, she needs to get her car fixed which will be very boring but then is going to take Jet out for lots of walks to make up for it!  Ms Pascoe will be down in London! We look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday where our doors open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.

Pride Awards!



For trying her best to join in and contribute during our class carpet sessions.


For sharing her excellent knowledge on teen numbers. 

Year 1


For always being a kind and helpful member of Year 1


For trying her best in phonics, especially spotting special friends.

Year 2


For encouraging and helping his peers in class.


For always doing her home reading and bringing her book bag in.

Year 3


For her amazing effort in phonics. 


For always being a considerate and kind member of the class. As well as her thirst for learning.

Year 4


For always being thoughtful and considerate to others.


For always trying hard in every subject, answering questions and giving his all.

Year 5A


Being polite and helpful. Thank you.


Always being ready, respectful and safe.

Year 5B


For showing fantastic teamwork in our dance class – keep up the great work!


For giving me a lovely welcome and helping me in my first week at Parkland.

Year 6


You have really come out of your shell this week and it’s been lovely to see a more upbeat and chatty Poppy!


For trying her hardest in all lessons.

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together

Do what matters most