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Parkland Post – 28th April

Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post in what has been a whirlwind of a week – we can’t believe it’s Friday already!  Don’t forget that Monday 1st May is a Bank Holiday so we will be open again on Tuesday 2nd May.  Our children have been involved in lots of events this week and our children and staff have been lucky enough to have two fabulous assemblies: one delivered by Miss Ahmed all about Eid and one delivered by the Eco Warriors which focused on Earth Day.

Big Biffa Coffee Morning

Thank you to everyone who attended our Coffee Morning and bake sale.  We have managed to raise over £200 which will be matched by Biffa to double the aid we can offer communities in Cameroon.  There were lots of raffle prizes on offer and the winners were very excited to receive them in our Celebration Assembly!

PTA Meeting

We are going to have our first PTA meeting on Tuesday 2nd May at 2:30pm in school.  This is for anyone who wishes to help set one up so we can organise discos, school fairs and other fundraising events.  We would love to see as many of you there as possible.

Key dates


More dates will be added and communicated with you as we organise trips, Early Years Stay and Play sessions and parent workshops where you will be able to come in and take part in an activity with your child.

Parents’ Evenings

Parents’ Evenings will be taking place on Tuesday 16th May 3:15-4:30pm and Wednesday 17th May 3:15-6pm.  Letters will be sent home next week so we can collect your preferred dates and times for appointments.

Skills Builder Challenge

This week’s challenge links to our current focus on Leadership.  See if you can do this at home this weekend, send a photo of what you have managed to do to our Facebook Messenger and there will be 10 Skills Builder points on offer!

And finally…

We hope you enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend and that the sun shines for you all.  This weekend, Mrs Wierzbianski will be having a BBQ with family (as long as it doesn’t pour it down) and Ms Pascoe will be going for a long walk in the Ilkley Moors. We will see you all bright and early on Tuesday morning where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.  

Pride Awards!



For sharing his extensive knowledge on teen numbers.


For her excellent effort during her handwriting sessions.

Year 1


Joining in and asking lots of questions on our visit to Leeds gallery.


For being respectful and showing great interest in all of the art work at Leeds gallery.

Year 2

Jack John

For being engaged in his learning across all lesson.


For her interest in the art on our trip. Leela asked and answered lots of questions.

Year 3


For being a champion! For his fantastic thirst for maths. You are a superstar!!


For working super hard and bringing a positive attitude to school everyday.

Year 4


For always working extremely hard and working to the best of her ability.


For challenging himself maths and helping others.

Year 5A


For making the right choices when working in our lessons well done.


For working hard and showing good learning in all lessons! Well done.

Year 5B


For extra homework telling me all about him and his family.


Always focused and all about learning.

Year 6


For excellent computer skills and willingness to help everyone.


For excellent team work during PE.

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together

Do what matters most