Parkland Post – 12th May
Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post! We have certainly had a busy week in our academy, even though it has only been 4 days. Our Year 6 pupils have done us and themselves proud working incredibly hard completing their SATS papers, showing resilience and having the chance to show off their knowledge.
Year 6 SATs
Well done to our Year 6s for their amazing hard work this week! You are all superstars and we celebrated with a pizza party to end our week!
Year 2 SATs
From next week, our Year 2 children will be taking their KS1 SATS, this will be done over the course of the next few weeks. Please make sure that your child is in school, on time and in every day – thank you.
Key dates
More dates will be added and communicated with you as we organise trips, Early Years Stay and Play sessions and parent workshops where you will be able to come in and take part in an activity with your child.
Parents’ Evenings – 16th & 17th May
If you haven’t managed to get your slips in to secure a parents’ evening appointment, please send it in on Monday morning and we’ll get you booked in. There will also be a jumble sale during our Parents’ Evening on the 17th May 4-5:30pm. You can donate quality clothes and toys and the money raised will be spent entirely on our pupils.
Ofsted Parent Meeting – Tuesday 23rd May at 3:15pm
Following our recent Ofsted report, we will be holding a meeting for parents and carers where we can share our plans for growth and improvement. There will be an opportunity to ask any questions you might have relating to the report so we can work in partnership with our families. The meeting will take place on Tuesday 23rd May at 3:15pm in the main hall – we look forward to welcoming you there.
Skills Builder Challenge
This weekend’s challenge is a great one as you will be able to help the adults around your home and if you complete it, there are 5 Skills Builder points available! You could send us a photograph of your list or people doing the jobs you have assigned them. It’s a really good example of Succeed Together and Show You Care – two of our Co-op Ways of Being!
And finally…
We hope you have a fabulous weekend and get to enjoy the weather (don’t get too excited but it looks like it might be quite warm!) Mrs Wierzbianski and Ms Pascoe are going to walk Jet and watch the Rob Burrows Run for All Marathon! Mr Watson is going out in Leeds for a day out and Mrs Shirra is taking her girls for a bike ride in the park.
Pride Awards!
For her excellent sentence writing for her morning task.
For being a great friend to other children in the class.
Year 1
For her fantastic sentences and creativity in English.
For joining in and asking lots of questions.
Year 2
For working hard in Phonics and in her sessions with Mrs Rhodes.
For always showing care and consideration to others.
Year 3
For being an absolute pleasure to teach and for her amazing hard work in Maths. A true champion!
For being such an enthusiastic delight to teach. Really impressed with Savannah’s smiley and positive attitude everyday!
Year 4
For creating an excellent poster on the Civil Rights movement in History and always working to best of her ability!
For working really hard in Maths and always supporting her peers!
Year 5A
For her continued focus on What Matters Most. She is 100% dedicated to her learning.
For always showing that she cares! She is so kind and helpful and I am so lucky to have her in my class.
Year 5B
For trying hard to be positive.
For always helping other people and showing empathy for classmates.
Year 6
All of Year 6
For their resilience and motivation during SATs week!
For having such determination to do her best this week!
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together
Do what matters most