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Parkland Post – 22nd May

Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post (Part 1), we hope you have enjoyed the weekend and that you have managed to bask in the sunshine!  We have a busy final week with KS1 still working on their SATS and our Year 6 pupils continuing with their writing so its’ really important that they are in school every day and on time.  

More dates will be added and communicated with you as we organise trips, Early Years Stay and Play sessions and parent workshops where you will be able to come in and take part in an activity with your child.

Sponsored Daily Mile

Every morning this week, our children are taking part in a Sponsored Daily Mile in the playground with a special circuit planned for Friday!  All money raised will go towards events in school such as a disco and school fair.  

Ofsted Parent Meeting – Tuesday 23rd May at 3:15pm

Following our recent Ofsted report, we will be holding a meeting for parents and carers where we can share our plans for growth and improvement. There will be an opportunity to ask any questions you might have relating to the report so we can work in partnership with our families. The meeting will take place on Tuesday 23rd May at 3:15pm in the main hall – we look forward to welcoming you there.

Skills Builder Challenge


This weekend’s challenge is a great one as you will be able to help the adults around your home and if you complete it, there are 5 Skills Builder points available!  You could send us a photograph of your list or people doing the jobs you have assigned them.  It’s a really good example of Succeed Together and Show You Care – two of our Co-op Ways of Being!

Warmer Weather

The forecast for the next week is for higher temperatures so please ensure your child has a water bottle, hat and that you apply sun cream in the morning; thank you.

And finally…

We hope you have a wonderful week. Our final assembly of the half term will take place this Friday at 9am – we would love for you to join us.

Pride Awards!



For trying her very best to be a great friend to all of the children in class.


For his tremendous efforts during our phonics sessions!

Year 1


For having a positive attitude towards his learning. Alex has been really trying hard in Maths & Phonics.


For always trying hard in phonics and being a superstar.

Year 2


For always being a supportive friend and helping others.


For her focus, determination and effort in her SATs this week

Year 3


For always doing the right thing and for having an amazing attitude to everything.


For always coming into schools with an amazing attitude. We all adore your hardwork and helpful behaviour, keep it up!

Year 4


For practising TT rockstars, always working really hard and achieving all his targets.


For having a really positive attitude towards his learning all week and challenging himself in maths.

Year 5A


For putting herself forward to be our class “well-being wonder!”


For fantastic writing – Lexi’s writing is always a pleasure to read. It shows real spark and personality. Keep up the great work!

Year 5B


For staying focused on the tasks at hand whilst working sensibly to complete them.


For showing kindness and empathy to others.

Year 6


For being a keen and enthusiastic member of our class.


For always trying his best and always following the class rules.

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together

Do what matters most