Parkland Post – 26th May
Welcome to the final Parkland Post of the half term which is being written in glorious sunshine as we begin our half-term holidays. We have been so lucky this week with the weather as we took part in our Sponsored Daily Mile; thank you to everyone who has pledged money to raise funds for our PTA and to everyone who came to join us for our special circuit this morning.
Training Day
We will be having an additional training day on Monday 3rd July – our academy will be closed to all children on this day.
PSHE Meeting
On Monday 5th June, Mrs Wierzbianski, Mrs Shirra and Ms Pascoe will be hosting a PSHE meeting where you will be able to view our RSE policy and teaching units for the Changing Me unit.
Skills Builder Challenge
What better time to take part in this week’s home challenge – see if you can take some photos of your planned picnic and send them via our Messenger page.
Curriculum Afternoons
We are delighted to invite you to our curriculum afternoons which have been planned for the final half term. They will take place on the following dates:
And finally…
We hope you have a fabulous half-term holiday and that you enjoy the brighter weather. Mrs Wierzbianski will be celebrating her daughter’s birthday and walking Jet a lot, Ms Pascoe will be camping, Mrs Shirra will be going to Eureka and London during the week and Mr Watson will be off to Prague for a long weekend away. We would like to thank all of our families for their support this half term and we are looking forward to welcoming you back on Monday 5th June where our doors will open at 8:40 am ready for learning to begin at 8:45 am.
Pride Awards!
For her fantastic sentence writing. Myla is now able to write sentences independently and remembers to use finger spaces.
For being much more confident and willing to have a go with his morning writing task.
Year 1
For always doing the right thing. Bridie is a kind and helpful member of Year 1.
For working super hard all week, especially with her writing.
Year 2
For working hard in his phonics group and in his sessions with Mrs Rhodes.
For being a valued member of Year 2 – We will miss you!
Year 3
For becoming more confident and supportive of her peers, well done! Keep it up!
For coming out of her shell more and slowly becoming a confident champion.
Year 4
For working extremely hard on her biography in English and always working to the best of her ability.
For being a hardworking and positive member of Year 4 and always supporting his peers.
Year 5A
For trying hard with his reading and maths.
For really engaging with her learning and helping out others at her table.
Year 5B
For trying hard in class and becoming more confident when answering questions.
For really going the extra mile to solve mathematical problems.
Year 6
For demonstrating her ability to work without distractions and listening attentively all the time.
For always enjoying school and for demonstrating the correct way to behave in all situations.
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together
Do what matters most