Parkland Post - Friday 17th January
Welcome to our first Parkland Post of 2025! It has been so good to have a return to normality this week, the children have been so positive about being back at school. Thank you to everyone who helped with clearing snow and ice, being flexible with our delayed start times and for just generally being wonderful!
I wanted to give you an update on how information and messages are shared with families. Please can you download the relevant apps and allow notifications so you don't miss out on anything important.
- ClassDojo - This is where you can find updates about what each class is doing in school and any messages that are specific to your child's class.
- Arbor - This is our main way of sending messages to you. Whole school messages and information will be sent on Arbor. This is also the place to book onto trips, events and after school clubs.
- Twitter and Facebook are used to share things like photographs of events, pupils' good work and any other Daily Magic.
White Rose Maths Family Workshops
We had a brilliant first workshop this week with Year 1 and 2 families. There were lots of fun games and activities for families to engage in such as where you might see numbers in real life, what number sense is and they also got to take home some fabulous resources. If anyone else would like to join us for the next two workshops, please let the main office know. The next workshops are on Tuesday 21st at 2:15pm and Tuesday 28th at 2:15pm. There are also refreshments available - we'll make sure we have a good stock of biscuits!
YACAD Creative Art Workshops
Yorkshire Academy of Creative Arts & Dance (YACAD) delivered some fabulous Creative Arts classes for Years 1 to 6. Here's a glimpse into the wonderful experiences our children had.
Year 1 and Year 6 - Drama with Jenny:
Our Year 1 and Year 6 children had an absolute blast developing their acting skills, learning to express themselves confidently, and working together.
Year 3 and Year 4 - Acro Dance with Ceri:
Our Year 3 and Year 4 had the exciting art of acro dance. Ceri encouraged them to test their flexibility and strength while expressing their creativity through movement. The workshops were both challenging and demonstrated lots of teamwork.
Year 2 and Year 5 - Fine Art with Adrienne:
Our Year 2 and Year 5 students embraced their artistic talents by creating stunning winter-themed artwork using pastels. Although it got a bit messy at times, the children thoroughly enjoyed experimenting with colours and techniques, resulting in beautiful artwork.
Year 6 Royal Navy Flarebox Fun
Year 6 were lucky to be joined by the Royal Navy this week. They had the opportunity to ask questions, talk about careers and create a paper flare. They then had the opportunity to watch flares being launched.
And finally...
We hope you have a lovely weekend whatever you decide to do. The weather looks like it might be a bit chilly but stay fine - see if you can get out for a walk and send some photos via ClassDojo as we love seeing what you get up to. Next week, we have the second Maths Family Workshop on Tuesday, a KS2 5-a-side football tournament for some children and lots of brilliant lessons planned for your children. We will see you all bright and early on Monday morning where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.
Parkland Pride Awards
Penelope – Show You Care
For always joining in with the carpet activities and being a kind friend to our new children in Nursery.
La'Mya - Do What Matters Most
La'Mya has been working very hard in phonics and has shown amazing skills doing 'Fred in your head', well done!
Kodie - Show You Care
Kodie has returned to school this week with a fantastic attitude to learning, sitting beautifully on the carpet, listening, and giving tasks a go. Well done Kodie!
Year 1
Lexi – Succeed Together
For being resilient in following instructions and avoiding all distractions around her. We are so proud of you!
Arthur – Show You Care
For beginning to engage in adult-led activities. Arthur is beginning to build a good routine in school.
Year 2
Evie-Mae – Do What Matters Most
Your amazing independent work throughout the entire week! I am so proud of you. Your writing about the man on the moon was great.
Willow – Be yourself, Always
For trying so hard and having s go in Maths this week seeing you try so hard to push yourself has been amazing.
Year 3
Blake – Do What Matter Most
For always making the right choices and putting 100% of his effort into all of his learning.
Lara – Do What Matters Most
For being a fantastic member of our class. I can always rely on Lara to make the right choices.
Year 4
Paisley – Be Yourself, Always
For showing amazing enthusiasm in lessons – Paisley is always sharing her amazing ideas.
Boston – Show You Care
For putting in huge amounts of efforts into his maths and English work this week.
Year 5
Adam – Succeed Together
For settling into class really well and he’s already working to make sure we’re all doing the right thing!
Savannah – Do What Matters Most
For starting the new term with a fantastic attitude. She has focused so hard all week and produced some brilliant work.
Year 6
Olivia – Show You Care
For showing you care in all your learning with great effort in your DT and Science.
Deacon – Do What Matters Most
For your exceptional effort and determination and your growing confidence and love of Maths.