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Parkland Post - Friday 6th December 2024

Welcome to a very wet and windy Parkland Post - hold onto your hats, make sure that your trampolines, inflatable Santas and winter lights are secured!  It has been another busy week in the academy and we are hurtling towards the holidays.  There are lots of events to come over the next two weeks and we can't wait to share these with you.  A full list of our key events can be found below.

Attendance Matters

This week our whole school attendance has been poor at 87.2%  - please can I remind everyone that term-time holidays will not be authorised.  Our winning class this week with 93.2% was Year 1!  They won a movie afternoon and they put 3 stickers on the leaderboard for the class trip to Infinity!  Let's try for 100% attendance for our final two weeks of the year - remember, you have to be in it to win it!  

**Parent attendance competition** 

We have a £50 Just Eat voucher up for grabs in our attendance competition.  Your child has to be in school every day and on time over the next two weeks to be entered into the prize draw - good luck!


Sportshall Athletics Tournament

On Wednesday, some of our Year 5 and 6 pupils went to Co-op Academy Priesthorpe to take part in an athletics tournament.  They competed against other academies in our local area and they won bronze medals; they returned to the academy with huge smiles on their faces!  
Savannah in Year 5 won a special medal as she had a bad fall but after some medical treatment, she got back up and ran another race and was awarded a medal for resilience.  Special mention also needs to go to Noah in Year 5 who did an amazing javelin throw!  Thank you to Mrs Denby and Mrs O'Donnell for taking our pupils to the tournament.

Key Dates

Our last two weeks are action packed!  We have our full list of key dates on the link below:
We are looking forward to welcoming you all into our academy for these events.  Remember to book your tickets for the Nativity and Carols by Candlelight via Arbor; thank you.

Lego Robotics Workshops with Bradford University

We were lucky to have Thomas in from Bradford University on Monday and Tuesday.  He ran Lego Robotics workshops for Years 1 to 6.  They worked together in teams through each of the challenges and had a fantastic time.  All of our children in Years 3 to 6 will be bringing home their Children's University Passport with their first activity signed and an information leaflet for you to read so you know all about them.  For each after-school club and out of school activities that the children attend, they earn stamps for their Passports to Learning. Once they have reached certain milestones, the children will be invited to take part in a graduation ceremony at Bradford University in July 2025 where they are presented with their graduation certificates. The ceremonies can be attended by family, friends and school staff to celebrate your child's success.

And finally...

We hope you have a fabulous weekend whatever the weather throws at us!  Our Christmas Tree will be delivered next week and Year 6 will have the opportunity to choose a bauble paid for by our wonderful PTA to hang on the tree.  I will be visiting family and starting to put some Christmas decorations up, Mr Watson will be going to a festive party with friends. Mrs Shirra will have a Christmas weekend and Ms Pascoe will be Christmas shopping.  We look forward to seeing you all bright and early on Monday morning where our doors open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.  

Parkland Pride Awards


Megan - Be Yourself, Always

For being a wonderful and kind friend to all of the children in Nursery and Reception.


Eden - Succeed Together

For helping peers to complete challenges, and helping them with their emotions e.g. providing offerings of bubble wrap, squishies, or drawing when sad.

Show You Care - Phoebe

She has been working hard in provision. Phoebe writes independently and makes beautiful paintings and crafts. 

Year 1

Faith – Do What Matters Most

For working hard to improve her behaviour for learning. Faith is showing more focus in all lessons!

Broady – Show You Care

For amazing improvement in Phonics, Broady has worked to spot special friends and begin speedy reading.

Year 2

Jacob – Do What Matters Most

For trying so hard when using number lines in Maths this week. I am so proud of how you are trying and the effort you are putting into learning.
Rory – Succeed Together

For always your friends when they are finding work tricky. It has been lovely to see you show your peers how to use resources in Maths.  

Year 3

Amelia – Succeed Together
For always being enthusiastic and wanting to learn. She always goes the extra step to succeed.

Harper – Show You Care  
For always supporting her peers and especially during our Lego creations this week.

Year 4

Amelia – Show You Care

For being a caring and kind individual in our classroom who always tries her best.

Alice – Be Yourself, Always

For showing huge enthusiasm for writing – this week. Alice has written a lovely character description.

Year 5

Leo – Be Yourself, Always

For always showing his ideas and letting his personality shine through in his work. His latest English work has been amazing.

Mollie – Show You Care  

For always looking for ways she can help others. She is focused on making the class a friendly and inviting place!  

Year 6

William – Show You Care

For having a fantastic attitude to your learning and adults this week. The effort you’ve put in does not go unnoticed and it shows you care.

Layla-Mae – Be Yourself, Always

For all your effort in your athletics competition. You helped the team and Mrs Denby said you were a shining star.