Parkland Post - Friday 29th November 2024
Welcome to this week's Parkland Post in what has been a really positive week! Thank you for joining us for our Parents' Evenings on Wednesday and Thursday to find out how well your children are doing at our academy. We were so glad that so many of you found it useful for Sheila from Early Help being there so she can help support families where they need it most. I would also like to thank YACAD for the snowman craft station - there were so many cute little snowmen being made!
We have had a number of visitors around our academy this week and everyone commented how settled our children are and were impressed with their behaviour for learning. It is the best part of my day being able to go into classes, see the great work going on and being able to give out special stickers, pencils and certificates for those that are working really hard.
Attendance Matters - The Only Way is UP!
We have had a much more successful week with attendance - our whole school figure was 94% which is higher than last week - we are still aiming for 96% or above so keep sending your children in. We had three classes who had above 96% and they will be celebrating with an extra playtime. The class winner was Year 3 who had a perfect 100% - you are all amazing! They won a new classroom game on our Attendance Wheel, they were able to add four stickers to the attendance challenge board (where the prize will be a trip to Infinity at the end of the term for the winning class) and they get an extra playtime. I am so proud of you all in Year 3 for being in school every day and on time - keep up the great work! Let's see if we can have more classes achieving 100% and keep on raising our whole school attendance %.
Winter Fair
Thank you for your donations towards our Winter Fair - you have been so generous and we really do appreciate it; especially when times are hard. Our Winter Fair is taking place on Thursday 19th December from 3:15pm in the hall. We have a Name the Elf stall, each class will be selling things they have made in class as part of a Grow Your Fiver challenge and there will be hot drinks and biscuits on offer. Not only that, there will also be the world famous Bag Stall and Mrs Peacock will be making a guest appearance!
PTA - Come and join us!
Our PTA are fantastic and have been busily organising everything for our Winter Fair. They are running a Decorate the Classroom competition, they are organising food and drinks for the end of term parties and every Year 6 pupil will be able to go and choose a bauble to hang on our Christmas tree. I would like to thank them personally as they do such an incredible job - they embody our Co-op Value of Show You Care. If you would like to join our PTA, please get in touch with us.
Early Years and Key Stage 1 Nativity
On Tuesday 10th December from 1:30pm and Wednesday 11th December from 9:30am, we will be holding our Nativity 'The Very Hopeless Camel' and do hope that you will join us. Please can you book your tickets from Monday 2nd December at 5pm via Arbor and we will look forward to seeing you for showtime!
KS2 (Years 3 to 6) Carols by Candlelight
On Thursday 12th December, Years 3 to 6 will be performing in a Carols by Candlelight concert to which you are warmly invited. It will begin at 2pm and promises to give you a warm glow inside! Tickets for this will open from Tuesday 3rd December at 5pm.
And finally...
We hope you have a wonderful weekend, it looks to be a good day weather wise on Saturday and perhaps a bit rainy on Sunday. I will be having a girlie weekend with my daughter, Mr Watson will be designing a new bathroom for his house, Ms Pascoe is decorating the house for Christmas and Mrs Shirra is doing the same! Whatever you decide to do, we hope you have a super time doing it. We look forward to seeing you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am!
Parkland Pride
Vinnie-James - Succeed Together
For having a fantastic attitude this week and working closely with his friends.
Rokarrio - Be Yourself Always
Rokarrio has been playing and exploring in the sensory room; he has been feeling slime and sharing space with his peers.
Benjamin - Succeed Together
He has been working with peers and family to write three letter words, and working on his pencil control. Well done!
Year 1
River – Do What Matters Most
For working incredibly hard in her assessments and showing a very mature attitude!
Luca – Succeed Together
For always looking out for other children and being a fantastic role model to new children!
Year 2
Arya-Grace – Succeed Together
For fantastic effort in our Geography lesson this week. I love your description of urban places.
Arfa – Be Yourself, Always
For amazing contribution in all our lessons this week. It has been amazing to see you put your hand up so much in Maths!
Year 3
Alex – Succeed Together
For being a great team player, helping others and working well with anyone to reach their goals.
Mollie – Show You Care
For being kind, thoughtful and making some people around her feel supported and included.
Year 4
Charlie-Joe – Do What Matters Most
For always sharing amazing ideas with the class.
Leela – Be Yourself, Always
For being a caring and considerate member of the class who is always helping others.
Year 5
Noah – Be Yourself, Always
For being afraid to show his excitement for always getting stuck into his learning and find the fun in every subject.
Ella-Rose – Do What Matters Most
For making sure she is doing the right thing, getting involved in lessons and focussing really hard on her work. This week has been such a large improvement.
Year 6
Tiana – Be Yourself, Always
Your super ideas in writing. Your enthusiasm is infectious and you have captured the personality of your characters.
Jason – Be Yourself, Always
I am so impressed with your effort so far and I love your writing ideas and effort.