Parkland Post - Friday 22nd November 2024
Welcome to this week's very chilly P-P-P-Parkland Post; I hope you are all managing to stay toasty and warm. Thank you for your understanding when we have had to close the Springdale Crescent gate due to icy conditions. We have had another super week at Parkland with lots of learning going on! I have seen some great examples of work as I have visited classrooms and we have been fortunate enough to have some visitors from different academies across the Trust who have loved speaking to our pupils about their learning.
Parents' Evenings 27.11.24 and 28.11.24
We can't wait to welcome you to our Parents' Evenings this week so we can share all of the wonderful things that your children have been doing this term. Please book your appointments via Arbor - the booking systems for each event will stop the night before each one takes place. We will also be asking for you to complete a parent questionnaire as we love to hear your views as it helps us to improve our offer for families.
Attendance Matters
This week, we have had higher attendance so thank you for helping us by getting your children in every day and on time! Our whole school attendance was 92.8% which still falls below our target of 96% but we are on the right track. The winning class was Year 1 with 96.4% and they won a non-uniform day (we will share the date of this with you soon) and an extra playtime as they were above 96%. Remember, the class prize at the end of this half term is a trip to Infinity so it's worth being in school for!
Key Events
Please find our key events for the rest of the year. We have our non-uniform day next Friday for the whole school. Please can you bring in something for our Winter Fair such as toiletries, chocolate and gifts - thank you.
And finally...
We hope you have a fabulous weekend whatever you decide to do - it looks to be another cold one with some sleet forecast so make sure you wrap up warm! I will be going out for breakfast with a friend on Sunday, Mr Watson will be having a well deserved rest, Ms Pascoe is going to watch a band with her dad and Mrs Shirra is going to watch her step daughter singing at the Meanwood Light Switch and going to the Christmas Market in York on Sunday. We will see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.
Jeremy - Show You Care
For trying hard to join his friends on the carpet and follow our routines.
Jaxon E – Do What Matters Most
She has been joining in with his friends. Jaxon was our helper monitor and supported his class throughout the day. He even joined in with PE and worked with the class to balance on the benches!
Logan - Succeed Together
He has been working very hard to read words with adults, and write words during the day, and at home. We can really see the great progress Logan is making! Well done! Keep working hard!
Year 1
Layla – Be Yourself, Always
For working incredibly hard in her assessments and showing a very mature attitude!
Summer – Succeed Together
For always trying her best to contribute to class discussions. Summer always has ideas that she wants to share.
Year 2
Raheim – Succeed Together
For having an amazing attitude to learning all week. I have been so impressed with you.
George – Show You Care
For always being kind and respectful to staff and around the classroom. You are a role model to all.
Year 3
Bethany – Do What Matters Most
For putting in fantastic effort to continue improving your reading focusing on what matters the most.
Esmai – Succeed Together
For putting in so much effort in her assessments and showing great teamwork skills in Science.
Year 4
Kysen – Do What Matters Most
For consistently demonstrating readiness to learn and showing respect to everyone around him.
Leela – Be Yourself, Always
For always trying her best every day, even when things are challenging, she always gives 100%.
Year 5
Jacob – Do What Matters Most
For showing an excellent attitude for learning this week and focusing on his work. He’s making real progress.
Lilly – Do What Matters Most
For trying her best all week, writing some excellent sentences in English and working really hard on her reading.
Year 6
Kiarna – Show You Care
For listening to feedback on your writing and making changes. Your description is fantastic and now it’s even better, it shows you really care!
Anthony – Do What Matters Most
For always being an exceptional role model. You hold the class together and show others what matters most. These are very impressive skills to have.