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Parkland Post - Friday 8th November 2024

Welcome to this week's Parkland Post - we have made a fantastic start to the second part of our autumn term!  Next week looks to be even busier with Anti-Bullying Week and Assessment Week so please make sure that your child is in school every day (except Tuesday) so they don't miss any essential learning.  You are all invited next Friday to our Daily Mile Event straight after the Celebration Assembly next week.  Children can wear funky sports gear so they complete the final Daily Mile together. 

Training Day - Tuesday 12th November

**Reminder** We are closed to pupils on Tuesday 12th November.


Attendance Matters

This week our whole school attendance was 90.8% which is well below the national average.  Our winning class was Year 4 with 96.3% and they will receive some new stationery and an extra playtime as it was above 96%; well done!

Mrs Flaherty has been doing attendance lessons this week with each class so they know what it means when we talk about good attendance and how this impacts on learning day to day but also how it can impact our future.  She has also launched a class attendance challenge - the winning class at the end of half term will get a trip to Infinity.  Remember, you have to be in it to win it!     


Next week, your child will be bringing home information about what they will be learning over the next half term.  This will give you the chance to ask your child about the new knowledge they have learnt.  Keep a look out on ClassDojo as staff will be putting photos and stories on there for you to see what they have been up to.

Talk Money Week #DoOneThing

This week began with my assembly which talked about financial wellbeing and how we can help ourselves and our adults at home.  Year 1 have had a wonderful discussion about the difference between wants and needs, Year 2 have created collaborative mind maps to show how to save money and Year 3 completed a sorting activity around wants and needs and the difference between the two.  On Thursday, Ian Featherstone, one of our Academy Council Members, came to speak to the children about their understanding of financial wellbeing and they told him all about the difference between wants and need, debit and credit cards, how they could make smart choices when it came to buying things and that a bank account can be used to save money.  



Anti-Bullying Week 11-15th November


And finally...

We hope you have a super weekend whatever you decide to do, it has started to turn a little colder so make sure you wrap up warm.  I will be looking after my nieces tomorrow and relaxing on Sunday, Mr Watson will be getting ready for a big birthday, Ms Pascoe will be watching football matches as her boys will be playing and Mrs Shirra will be going to The Cheesy Living for Fondue.  We will see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.  Don't forget, our Remembrance Assembly starts at 9am and each class from Years 1 to 6 will be presenting a variety of artwork, poetry or song.