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Parkland Post - Friday 18th October 2024

Welcome to this week's Parkland Post - I can't believe we only have one more week until the half term holidays.  We have had such a busy week and there is no sign of things slowing down!  We have shared the Key Events with you which details what we will be doing for the rest of this year.  In addition to these dates, we are pleased to announce that we will be holding a KS2 (Years 3 to 6) Carols by Candlelight on the 12th December at 2pm.  We have had lots of visitors around our academy this week who have been impressed with how welcome our children have made them feel.

Attendance Matters

This week, we have had improved whole school attendance and I would like to thank you for your support with this as it really helps with your child's education and daily routines.  Our whole school attendance was 91.7% and our winning classes were Years 3 and 4 with the same percentage of 98.3% which means they receive an extra playtime as it was above 96% and they both won a movie afternoon on the Attendance Wheel - well done!  Let's keep going with this momentum - remember, you have to be in it to win it!

Reading Superstars

This week, each teacher nominated a child from their class to receive a token for our reading vending machine.  Each child reads at home and does above and beyond when it comes to reading.  They all got to choose a book to take home that they will be able to share with their family - we hope you love them.  Look out in future weeks for more children who will earn a token for the vending machine.  

Year 3 Class Assembly - Monday 21st October at 9am

We are thrilled to be able to invite you to our Year 3 Class Assembly on Monday the 21st October at 9am - Mr Hadden shared this with Year 3 families via ClassDojo.  They are going to be sharing their learning with you all - I'm really looking forward to seeing what they have been up to in full as I have only heard snippets of the exciting things they have done.


Year 6 Residential Meeting - Thursday 24th October at 3:30pm

Next Thursday, we will be holding a meeting for Year 6 parents and children all about the Year 6 residential which will be at Buckden House next year.  We will be showing you photographs of Buckden House and going through the details of the activities they will be able to take part in.  This will be a time for you to ask us any questions you might have about Buckden House, the trip there and back, catering, accommodation and our payment plan.    

And finally...

We hope that you have a super weekend whatever you decide to do.  I know that there are lots of sporting competitions for many of you - don't forget to share your successes with us in next week's Celebration Assembly as we love to hear about them!  I am going to be visiting another couple of universities with my daughter (Chester and Bangor this time), Ms Pascoe is taking her boys to swimming lessons, birthday parties and football, Mrs Shirra is celebrating her step daughter's 9th birthday and Mr Watson will be moving into a new house. We will see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am - see you there!

Parkland Pride Awards


Charlie - Be yourself, always

For some brilliant blending in phonics.


Louie - Succeed Together 

For inspiring children to make patterns outside, using natural resources.

Hunter - Be Yourself Always

For using our self-regulation area. Hunter has explored and found different ways to find 'green' (calm) after feeling 'red' (angry). Well done Hunter!

Year 1 

All of Year 1- Succeed Together 

For all working hard to achieve purposeful learning in provision and all work across the curriculum has been to a high standard!

Lena - Show You Care

For settling into Year 1 and working hard to impress all adults. She has especially worked hard in Maths adding within 10. 

Year 2 

Sofia - Be Yourself, Always

For working so hard this week to make the right choices every day. I am so proud of you! You have shown amazing listening skills all week. 

Lilly-May - Be Yourself, Always

For being so kind to your friends by sharing at break time. You always put others first! 

Year 3 

Bonnie - Succeed Together 

For encouraging her peers and reminding them about the right choices - a fantastic team role model! 

Ava- Do What Matters Most 

She is always trying her best, her independence has shone through this week, well done Ava! 

Year 4 

Lilly - Do What Matters Most 

For trying her best in Maths this week. Lilly has shown amazing problem-solving in our lesson. 

Teddy - Succeed Together 

For being a kind and caring member of the class this week. Teddy has done a fabulous job with this English work. 

Year 5

Savannah - Succeed Together 

For putting in so much effort this week, she always has her hand up and helps the rest of the class to focus on explaining her thinking. 

Louis - Succeed Together

For had an absolutely brilliant week working extremely hard independently and with the rest of the class. This has been an amazing week, Louis keep it up! 

Year 6 

Deacon - Show You Care 

For taking your responsibility as school councillor so seriously. You will make some great improvements. 

Leila - Show You Care 

For building your confidence to speak out loud. You are becoming a great school councillor.