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Parkland Post - Friday 4th October 2024

Welcome to this week's Parkland Post!  It has been another busy week in the academy, we have had lots of visitors who said how welcoming it felt when they walked around and how lovely our children are which is always wonderful to hear! 

Safety First! 

Yesterday, we were visited by Margot and Sarf from Incommunities and Mick from Metropolitan Demolition who talked to the children about the site where York House stood.  They discussed site safety and reminded everyone that no matter how exciting the empty site might look, the hoardings were there to keep everyone out and safe.  Margot asked our children what they would like to see being built there instead of York House and we had some brilliant suggestions.  

Family Fun Afternoon 

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Family Fun Afternoon, we really loved having you all in classes and taking part in the activities.  I would like to give a special mention to YACAD who came along to lead the inflatable obstacle course, clay workshops, cheerleading sessions and the food hampers - we are so lucky to have your support.  

Attendance Matters

We were slightly down on last week's whole school attendance at 90.2% - can we all have a big effort to be in school every day and on time next week please.  The winning class was Year 4 with 95.4% who won a new game for their classroom - well done!!

Raffle Winners!

River in Year 1 won the raffle for yesterday's lunchtime, Paisley, Isabel and Malik won the Macmillan raffle prizes - well done to all of you! 

And finally...

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the autumnal weather - let's hope the sunshine continues.  Ms Pascoe is going to take her boys to swimming lessons, football and a birthday party, Mrs Shirra will be catching up with friends, Mr Watson will be enjoying an autumn walk with friends and I will be visiting another university with my daughter.  Whatever you decide to do, we hope you have a great time doing it.  We will see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am - see you then!  

Parkland Pride 


Harlow - Succeed Together

For working with her friends and supporting the new children in our class.


Aria-Rose - Be Yourself Always

For perusing interests in provision with purpose e.g. making cards, colouring with friends.

Jaxon E – Succeed Together

For sitting with us during snack time and doing Phonics for us, saying initial sounds.

Year 1

Max – Show You Care

For demonstrating an incredibly positive attitude by joining in with all the activities. Max never gives up!

Eve – Be Yourself, Always

For using her own choosing time to improve her sentence writing. Eve is using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces!

Year 2

Jessica – Succeed Together

For your amazing Phonics this week! I have been so impressed with your effort and positive attitude during our Phonics lessons. It has been really to see you put your up and offer to spell words.

Tillie-Mae – Show You Care

For always being such a fantastic role model to everyone in our class. Your always making the right choices by being so kind and helpful. I love how you always help your friends!

Year 3

Willow – Show You Care

For having such a caring nature, always checking in on classmates and offering help when someone needs it.

Freddie – Succeed Together
For consistently showing great teamwork skills, helping others in group activities and making sure everyone succeeds.

Year 4

Gerald – Show You Care

For showing huge amounts of care and effort into his work. Gerald always shows he is ready to learn!

Isabel – Show You Care

For showing huge amounts of care and effort into her work. Always making sure her classwork is presented beautifully

Year 5

Jacob S – Be Yourself, Always

For being a great personality in the class – becoming more confident to share ideas and let his personality come through in his work.

Ava – Do What Matters Most

For having such a great attitude to learning – always having her hand up and contributing. She is always doing the right thing!

Year 6

Lucy – Show You Care

For taking such great care in our learning environment. Your tidying up makes it a calm, safe place to learn. Thank you. 

Tiana – Be Yourself, Always

For always making me smile with everything that you do and even sometimes when things are hard. It’s easy to sit back, but your bright personality shines through. A pure joy to teach!