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Parkland Post - Friday 12th July 2024

Welcome to the penultimate Parkland Post of the school year!  If I thought last week was busy, then this week has been a rollercoaster!  We have had a super week of class assemblies and the end of year Y6 performances of Peter Pan.  I have been incredibly impressed by the way all of our pupils have learnt their lines, delivered them perfectly and succeeded together. 

Year 6

We were so proud of our Year 6 pupils who received their SATS results this week.  The results were testament to how hard they have worked leading up to the tests.  Next Friday, our Year 6 will be having their Leavers' Assembly (straight after our normal Celebration Assembly) where they will receive their Leavers' Books so they can collect signatures as well as being able to sign their shirts.  At 3pm, they will have their Leaver's Parade in the KS2 playground.

Peter Pan

Year 6 made us walk the plank this week with their end of year performance Peter Pan.  They were absolutely amazing and delivered their lines clearly, worked well together and had us singing along with their showtunes!  Thank you to everyone who came to join us for the performances and thank you to Mrs Peacock and Mrs Flaherty for the buffet before Tuesday's evening performance. 


Attendance Matters

Our Whole School attendance has been low this week at 87.3%, please try to have your child in school every day and on time so they don't miss any learning.  The class with the highest attendance is Year 6 with 92.1% attendance.  They had a spin on the Attendance Wheel and won an extra playtime; well done!

End of Year Reports and Optional Parents' Evening 

Your child's end of year report will be sent out on Tuesday next week.  There will be an optional drop in Parents' Evening on Wednesday 17th July between 3:30-4:30 should anyone need to speak about their child's report to the class teacher.  There will be a feedback sheet contained within the envelope.  Please can you fill that in and return to school as your opinions are very important to us and help us to shape what goes on at Parkland.  Every feedback sheet returned will have a raffle ticket entered into our end of year draw to win £50. 

Sports Day - Wednesday 17th July 

Our Sports Days will be taking place on Wednesday 17th July.  Reception and KS1 will have their events from 9:30am and KS2 (Years 3-6) will have their events from 1:30pm.  We would love it if you could come and join us - we hope the weather will be kind to us too.

School Disco - Thursday 18th July

Our school discos are taking place on Thursday the 18th of July.  Nursery, Reception, Years 1 and 2 will have their disco from 4:30-5:15pm (Parents must stay with their child) and the KS2 Disco (Years 3-6) will take place 5:30-6:15pm.    

And finally...

We hope you have a fabulous weekend, whatever you decide to do.  Mrs Wierzbianski is going shopping in Leeds and attending a dance show, Mr Watson , Ms Pascoe and Mrs Shirra going out for a meal with friends. We will see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.  

Parkland Pride Awards 


Vinnie - Do What Matters Most

For trying really hard to listen and follow the nursery routines.


Broady – Do What Matters Most

For working very hard in Phonics and choosing to write tricky sentences during provision.  

Georgia - Do What Matters Most

For demonstrating maturity with changes in routine. Georgia is showing great progress for Year 1.

Year 1

Jessie-Leigh – Show You Care
For working really hard in maths and coming to school with a big smile!

Elissia – Do What Matters Most

For fantastic handwriting, Elissia is making really good progress in all lessons.

Year 2

Mollie-Ann – Succeed Together

For trying hard in English using the planning we did to create a rhyming poem.

Harper – Show You Care

For always being kind and considerate, keeping others to make good choices.

Year 3

Louise – Do What Matters Most
For being a fantastic role model and always encouraging your peers to be their best selves! You’ve shone in your classes this week!

Gerald – Show You Care

For displaying maturity and kindness to everyone, not just in class but outside on the playground too!

Year 4

Phoebe – Be Yourself, Always

For always being ready for her learning and any challenge thrown her way! Keep it up Phoebe!

Piper – Succeed Together

For helping to create and present our whole class assembly. You have been so mature and you are truly ready for Year 5 and beyond.

Year 5

Deacon – Do What Matters Most  

For working really hard over the last few weeks and trying his hardest despite not feeling 100%. Keep it up, Deacon.

Olivia – Show You Care

For always being there for everyone in the class, she is such a great role model for everyone in the class and is always doing the right thing.

Year 6

Eboni Mae - Be Yourself Always
For persevering through many play rehearsals and make choices to not give up! You were a fantastic hop! 

Mason - Succeed Together

For being the best sound technician for our play. You were behind the scenes the whole time but the play would not have worked without you! Thank you!