Parkland Post - Friday 5th July 2024
Welcome to this week's Parkland Post, it has certainly been an action packed one! We only have two weeks left of school and have a wide number of events taking place so please make sure you are regularly checking our website for dates and times. Our Sports Days are coming up on the 17th July with Reception and Key Stage 1 (Years 1&2) from 9:30am and KS2 (Years 3 to 6) from 1:30pm - we do hope you will join us to cheer everybody along and maybe even take part in the adult race!
Poetry Competition
Last Friday, a group of Year 5 and 6 children visited 1 Angel Square in Manchester to perform in a Poetry Competition. They had practised the poem "If all the world were..." and delivered it well. They enjoyed being part of the day, were in awe of the building and had a brilliant experience overall. Thank you to everyone who organised the event.
Dance and Dine
Our first Dance and Dine event took place yesterday and it was a huge success. There were so many families who joined us and had such a good time! The evening began with family bingo and then it was time to work up an appetite with some dancing with Ceri from YACAD. Once we had done all of that, it was time to all sit down and eat together to enjoy a delicious meal prepared by our very own Community Pioneer, Paula. It was such a fun event and we will definitely be repeating it soon!
Attendance Matters
Our whole school attendance this week is 91.6% and falls short of our target of 96%. The winning class this week was Year 6 who had 96.2% and won a movie afternoon - well done! Remember, if your child is in every day and on time, they will have a raffle ticket put into our prize draw to win £50 - you have to be in it to win it!
Class Assemblies
Each class will be doing an assembly to showcase what they have been doing in class. The dates for these are:
Reception - 18th July at 2:45pm
Year 1 - 11th July at 2:45pm
Year 2 - 4th July at 9am
Year 3 - 18th July at 9am
Year 4 - 11th July at 2:00pm
Year 5 - 11th July at 9am
Year 6 - 27th June at 9am
Fundamentals Competition
15 of our Year 2 children had a funtastic morning at the 'Fundamentals' sports event which was held at Co-op Academy Priesthorpe. The children had a brilliant time taking part in lots of events and even came back with SILVER medals! Well done Year 2!
And finally...
We hope you have a wonderful weekend whatever you decide to do and that the weather improves as it is supposed to be July! Mrs Wierzbianski is going to be visiting the South Lakes with her family, Ms Pascoe will be watching the football, Mrs Shirra will be going out for a walk and Mr Watson will be spending the day in Leeds.
Parkland Pride Awards
Jaxon E - Show You Care
For supporting his friends during sports day and being brilliant at the obstacle course!
Louie - Be Yourself Always
Louie has been listening to new songs, and dancing and twirling in our classroom, bringing a smile to everyone's face.
Eve - Do What Matters Most
Eve works very hard in all areas of the curriculum; Eve works hard to do her best and gives everything a go; Even is supportive of her friends, and an overall great role model.
Year 1
Neeyah – Show You Care
For always following adult instructions, joining in class activities and finishing all her work in every topic.
George – Do What Matters Most
For finishing his work and answering questions during class discussions.
Year 2
Arlo – Do What Matters Most
For trying hard this week especially in Maths!
Amelia – Do What Matters Most
For good listening and working more independently.
Year 3
Charlie-Joe – Do What Matters Most
For showing outstanding behaviour for learning and growing in resilience. You are superstar!
Indira – Show You Care
For being a thoughtful thinker and always making me smile. You are an absolute delight to teach.
Year 4
Ella-Rose – Do What Matters Most
For really trying to focus and stay on task and speak positively in class. Your effort has not gone unnoticed.
Liam – Succeed Together
For always making an effort to do the right thing, even if it isn’t the easiest choice. You are always a shining example!
Year 5
Summer –Be Yourself, Always
For showing great maturity and being able to get on with the important things in spite of difficult emotions.
Patrick – Show You Care
For being able to take responsibility for his actions and work on difficult feelings. He’s shown real growth this week!
Year 6
Scarlett-Leigh – Succeed Together
For showing your best for our play practice. Supporting, encouraging and prompting others. Well done!
Peyton - Be Yourself Always
For your amazing commitment to your role as Wendy!