Parkland Post - Friday 14th June 2024
Welcome to this week's Parkland Post in what has been such a cold week - can someone please find out where our summer has gone? We have lots of events planned over the course of June and July, please remember to check our events page on the website so you know what is happening.
World of Work Week
Next week is our World of Work Week where our children will be finding out all about different careers and meeting lots of people who are coming in to speak about their career journeys. It will all begin with a launch assembly for our children where they will try to guess the career and Year 6 will have a week filled with lots of amazing activities and opportunities.
Summer Fair
Key Events and Class Assemblies
Our website has all the dates of events we are holding this half term - keep checking back regularly as new events are added. Each class will be doing an assembly which will showcase what they have been doing. The dates for these are:
Reception - 18th July at 2:45pm
Year 1 - 11th July at 2:45pm
Year 2 - 4th July at 9am
Year 3 - 18th July at 9am
Year 4 - 11th July at 9am
Year 5 - 11th July at 9am
Year 6 - 27th June at 9am
The Royal Navy visit to Year 6
The Royal Navy North East team visited our Year 6s this week! This consisted of practical leadership tasks, problem-solving, Military drills, Sports, fitness and STEM whilst allowing us to provide career opportunities in the Royal Navy. The children learnt so much and it raised awareness of the Royal Navy’s key roles and opportunities!
Tag Rugby Tournament
Attendance Matters
And finally...
Parkland Pride Awards
Harlow - Do What Matters Most
For always coming in with a smile on her face and joining in with all of the nursery routines.
Max - Do What Matters Most
Max is working very hard in his morning task book to write three sentences a day, with capital letters, full stops, and finger spaces. He does this with a willing attitude and never gives up!
Arthur - Succeed Together
Arthur has been taking on new challenges this week: he has sat with his friends during maths input and sang with them; he has also been playing with friends more in provision time; and, Arthur is using a new visual timetable, which his peers are supporting him to use. Well done Arthur!
Year 1
Arfa – Show You Care
For working hard to learn her sounds and decode words.
Jagoda – Show You Care
For becoming more confident and share ideas during lessons.
Year 2
Malik – Be Yourself, Always
For amazing singing and dancing for our assembly!
Amelia-Rose – Be Yourself, Always
For amazing singing and dancing for our assembly!
Year 3
Lilly – Succeed Together
For being a kind and thoughtful member of the class. You are always ready to help other learn and succeed. Thank you!
Teddy – Show You Care
For Taking pride in your work and have engaged in all class discussions with enthusiasm, thank you!
Year 4
Ava – Be Yourself, Always
For always working your hardest no matter what the subject or task. You are an excellent role model!
Noah – Succeed Together
For always supporting and encouraging his friends in class. Thank you for being for us!
Year 5
Alice – Do What Matters Most
For having an excellent attitude for learning all week, giving her all across all classes and subjects and producing great work!
Ryan – Succeed Together
For settling into his new class really well, getting on well with all his classmates and showing a great attitude for learning.
Year 6
Kris - Succeed Together
For showing such great skill, teamwork and charismatic charm at the tag rugby event.
Kayla-Mae - Be Yourself, Always
For your super learning behaviours this week and all your effort in your art - your collage background was incredible!