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Parkland Post - Friday 17th May 2024

Welcome to this week's Parkland Post; what a week it has been!  It feels like it has been a whirlwind as we have been so busy.  We loved having families in for our parent events this week - Year 4 made electrical circuits for their steady hand games and Year 5 made water wells. 


We are so proud of our Year 6 children for the way they tackled their SATS this week.  All of the staff were blown away by their resilience and confidence as they went into these tests; they really did themselves proud.  The results will be released early July and we will communicate these with you as soon as we have them.

Early Years Trip to Hesketh Farm 

This week Nursery and Reception visited Hesketh Farm. The children all had a great time and used their knowledge of the farm to explore all the animals and the importance of farm life. The children had the opportunity to collect eggs, hold chicks, feed a calf, have a tractor ride around the farm and brush guinea pigs!

Reception Stay & Play 

In Reception this week, we had a busy week! We also had a Stay & Play for parents/carers. We had lots of adults join us to celebrate all our learning of minibeasts this half-term. It was so nice to see the adults and children working together to create some clay minibeasts, ladybird and bee paintings and some pastel butterflies! We would love to see everyone join us next time. 

BIG Family Breakfast

Thank you to everyone who came to our BIG Family Breakfast, we loved having so many of you in!  I'm sure you'll agree that the sandwiches, pastries and cereals were delicious.  Thank you to all of our staff who made it run so smoothly.  We will let you know the date for the next one as soon as we can.  Congratulations to our hamper winners - enjoy the treats!

Attendance Matters

Our Whole School Attendance was low this week at 88.3% which is below the Government target of 96%.  We did, however, have one class with 100% attendance - our fabulous Year 6s!  They won a non-uniform day and an extra playtime - well done!

And finally...

Mrs Shirra is spending time with friends and family, Mr Watson is visiting Newcastle, Ms Pascoe is going to the Otley Show and Mrs Wierzbianski is going out for afternoon tea with Mrs Wierzbianski!  Whatever you decide to do, we hope you have a brilliant time.  We will see you bright and early next week for our final week of this half term where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am. 

Parkland Pride Awards


All of Nursery – Succeed Together

For taking part in everything on the trip and supporting each other when the children were unsure.


Faith - Show you care

For being gentle and caring to the guinea pigs at the farm.

Layla - Succeed Together

For always checking that her friends are okay and encouraging them to join in. At lining up time, during writing tasks, trips and P.E.!

Year 1

Rory  – Be Yourself, Always
For having a great week of being on task, answering lots of questions and always getting involved in Maths discussions.

Tallulah – Succeed Together

For always doing the right thing and being a great role model for the class. She gives her all in every lesson and her confidence is growing, especially in Phonics.

Year 2

Alex – Be Yourself, Always

For working totally independently in Maths. You even did extra work! Keep it up!

Layla-Faye – Do What Matters Most

For working super hard during carpet time and answering lots of questions.

Year 3

Charlie-Joe – Be Yourself, Always
For showing he knows how to be caring and considerate to others. Your positive attitude is radiating. Keep it up!

Teddy – Succeed Together

For your excellent contributions to writing, which inspired by the whole class.

Year 4

Lola – Succeed Together

For being a kind and caring member of our class. Thank you for checking in and looking out for your classmates.

Lola – Do What Matters Most

For always putting in maximum effort no matter what the subject or her mood!

Year 5

Laiba – Show You Care

For having a great week, she has been so focused on herself and has produced some excellent stuff. She always has her hand up and joins in with discussions.

Lilly – Succeed Together

For showing an excellent attitude to learning, always contributing and being a great team player. She gets on well with everyone!

Year 6

All of Year 6 – Succeed Together

I am incredibly proud of is every one of them for Doing What Matters Most which was to try their best, never give up, stay calm and composed, support each other and do it all with a smile on their face. They have made me and Parkland proud! A big well done!