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Parkland Post – 23rd June

Welcome to another edition of the Parkland Post!  It has been Assessment Week this week for years 1, 3, 4 and 5, they have shown such resilience throughout and we are proud of them all.  It has been another warm week and our fabulous PTA have been selling ice pops again to generate money which will go towards school discos and other school events – thank you.  Next week, we are having a Wellbeing Week so keep a look out for further information from Mr Watson who will share it on Class Dojo.  

Our key dates document has been updated with timings for various events such as Sports Days.  Please keep checking this document and our website for the most up to date information and come and ask if you have any queries about any of them.  Don’t forget we have a training day on the 3rd July.

Co-op Young Leaders

Our Co-op Young Leaders were presented with their badges in this morning’s Celebration Assembly which marks the beginning of their journey as ambassadors within our academy.  On Monday, they worked at developing communications skills, teamwork and confidence building and finished by delivering a presentation.  They did an amazing job and represented Parkland incredibly well.

Family First

There is a new magazine which is supporting the NHS in improving the physical and mental wellbeing of families living in England.  The link can be found below which opens an e-magazine for you to zoom in on the pages and read the various articles:

Early Years Open Morning

Our Early Years Open Morning is this Saturday from 9:30-11:30am where anyone who is interested in seeing our Nursery and Reception provision can come and meet our team, take part in lots of free activities and have the opportunity to ask any questions you might have.  Please feel free to share this information with anyone who might be looking for a Nursery or Reception place

Skills Builder Home Challenge

This week’s challenge is one to get you ready for next week’s Wellbeing Week.  As always, if you manage to complete this challenge, let your teacher know or share it to Class Dojo.  There will be 10 Skills Builder points available to anyone who takes part. 

And finally…

 The weekend is upon us, we hope you enjoy some time to relax and recharge for the week ahead.  Mrs Wierzbianski will be at the Early Years Open Morning on Saturday and is then going to spend time with her sister and nieces.  Mr Watson will also be at our Early Years Open Morning, Mrs Shirra will be going to Harewood House for a family day out and Ms Pascoe will be paddleboarding with her family.  Whatever you decide to do, we hope you have a wonderful weekend and we will see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am – we will see you then!

Pride Awards!



For being a great friend to the other children. We can always rely on Lucas to be kind. Well done, Luca!


For having her own original ideas about what to write for her morning task.

Year 1


For trying her hardest in the summer assessments and never giving up!

All of Year 1!

All their hard work that you have done throughout assessment week! We did it!

Year 2


For choosing to read at home, so that he can develop and improve his reading skills independently.


For her perseverance during her accelerated reading sessions. I’m super proud of you.

Year 3


For being such a delight to teach. Super proud of your attitude to learning.


For always being a helping hand for his classmates. You are a superstar!

Year 4

Ellie-Mae Firth

For creating an amazing painting of Anthony Gormley’s famous sculpture. She spent a lot of time and effort on it and worked really well all lesson.


For working hard on her assessments this week and helping others in PSHE. Well done, Summer!

Year 5A


For trying really hard in his assessments – it has been brilliant to see Billy focusing on What Matters Most.


For always being fantastic! Kaja has a wonderful attitude to her learning and stands out for all of the right reasons! Keep being you, Kaja – always!

Year 5B


For showing empathy when thinking about other children in class.


For improved effort in Maths and trying hard to write even though, he has a poorly finger.

Year 6


For demonstrating a great working relationships with others.


For offering more of her thoughts and opinion with her peers and in whole class discussions.

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together

Do what matters most