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Parkland Post - Friday 8th March 2024

Welcome to this week's Parkland Post - we have had a book-filled extravaganza of a week!  Thank you to our wonderful staff team and our PTA for last night's Book at Bedtime event - it was magical to come together, share stories and enjoy a hot chocolate.  The children looked amazing in their pyjamas, comfy clothes and as book characters; you are all so creative!  Our competition for World Book Day is still open until Monday where you can decorate a potato, create a diorama, decorate a 2p coin, create a bookmark as well as many others (see our Facebook page for further information).  Bring your entries into school on Monday 11th March so we can judge them and award prizes.

Red Nose Day - Friday 15th March

We are going to take part in Red Nose Day next Friday.  Come dressed in red or non-uniform to raise money for some incredible charities.  Red noses will be available to buy from the office - first come first served.  Please pay for your noses on Arbor; thank you.

Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) - Monday 25th March - Thursday 28th March

We are running an Easter Holiday programme led by Yorkshire Academy of Creative Arts & Dance. *Please note that only children who are eligible for Free School Meals/Pupil Premium can receive a funded place. If you are interested in any of the activities above, please sign up through the HAF portal If you need any support, please email 

*Please note that only children who are eligible for Free School Meals/Pupil Premium will receive a code from Yorkshire Academy of Creative Arts & Dance. You can still book through the YACAD website without a code for £10 per day. 

Big Family Breakfast - Friday 15th March at 8am


In addition to Red Nose Day, we would also like to invite you to a Big Family Breakfast which will start at 8am.  There will be bacon and sausage sandwiches (veg options available too), hot cross buns and tea and coffee.  It would be lovely to see as many of you there as possible.   

World Book Day and our Pop Up Bookshop


Thank you to The Children's Book Project for donating all of the books each child brought home yesterday.  There was so much choice that it was so difficult to decide!  Our children took part in a range of activities and immersed themselves in books, books and more books.  

Attendance Matters

This week, our whole school attendance has been 93.2% which is below the national average set by the government.  The following classes: Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 all got over 96% so will enjoy an extra playtime; well done!  Don't forget, any child whose attendance is 96%+ will have a raffle ticket entered into the draw to win £50 at the end of this half term - you have to be in it to win it!  Let's see if we can get 96%+ for all of our classes next week.

And finally...

We hope you have a brilliant weekend and that the weather picks up a bit - we deserve some sunshine!  Mrs Wierzbianski is going to spend Mother's Day with her daughter, Mrs Shirra is celebrating her daughter's birthday, Mr Watson is celebrating Mother's Day and Ms Pascoe is watching Gladiators!  We will see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.  

Parkland Pride 


Benjamin - Do What Matters Most

For being a good friend and thinking of some fantastic games to play


Georgia -Show You Care

For using kind words like 'excuse me' to her friends 

Max - Do What Matters Most

For writing a fantastic “Thank You” letter to the farmer. 

Year 1 

Tallulah - Succeed Together 

For fantastic work in Phonics, she is working hard learning new sounds. 

Evie-Mae - Do What Matters Most

For her fantastic work in writing. She can identify grammar and punctuation in her work. 

Year 2

Lara - Be Yourself, Always 

For playing nicely with her friends and gaining confidence.

Kaci-Jade - Do What Matters Most 

For always putting her hand up to have a go. You have a real enthusiasm to learn. 

Year 3

Amelia - Do What Matters Most 

For coming into school every day with a big smile on her face and always working super hard. You are a credit to teach. Well done! 

Lilly-May - Be Yourself, Always 

For her love and care. She shows towards her peers and teachers everyday. Keep being you! 

Year 4 

Ellie - Be Yourself, Always 

For being an absolute star every single day. You are such a fantastic role model! 

Lola - Be Yourself, Always 

For always working hard in class and in every other aspect of school life. 

Year 5 

Evie - Do What Matters Most

For focussing on the tasks at hand, having the right attitude for learning and being able to get on with a difficult test week. 

Summer - Show You Care 

For having a great week! Focusing really well on learning, avoiding distractions and making great progress. 

Year 6 

Angelia - Succeed Together

For being such a responsible, reliable and caring student. Who is always supporting others, not just in class but around school!

Jayden - Be Yourself, Always

For all your success in year 6 so far! Your confidence has grown so much and your fantastic learning behaviours mean you are making so much progress! Such a joy to teach!