Parkland Post - Friday 2nd February 2024
Welcome to this week's action packed Parkland Post! We have had so many events happening around the academy with Time To Talk Day, NSPCC Number Day as well as lots of fabulous learning.
Time to Talk Day
In association with the charity Mind, we came together to have a natter about all sorts of brilliant things. Playtime was spent completing our Daily Mile and all staff were in the playgrounds having a chat with the children as well as getting their steps in! Mrs Wierzbianski led an assembly where we discussed how important it is to talk about our mental health and then talked to partners about how we can help support anyone who might be struggling. Our children really showed they cared with the responses they gave; it made Mrs Wierzbianski feel so proud of them.
NSPCC Number Day
There were such creative ideas in the outfits our children wore - we saw patterns, shapes, numbers, mathematical symbols and it was so surprising to see just how many pieces of clothing already contained math-related images. Thank you for your generosity with the donations, we managed to raise £48.00 which we will send to the NSPCC so they can continue their incredible work.
5-A-Side Football Tournament
This week, children from Years 4 and 5 went to Co-op Academy Priesthorpe to take part in the football tournament organised by the students and staff. They played incredibly well, showed super skills and had a great time. Both teams were awarded medals; one bringing back silver medals and one bringing back gold medals - huge congratulations to you all and well done for representing our academy so beautifully. Thank you also to Mrs Peacock and Mrs Clegg who went with them to Priesthorpe.
Nursery & Reception Stay and Play
Reception and Nursery parents and carers are warmly invited to our "Stay and Play" sessions next week, when you will be able to take part in lots of different activities, and it will give you a chance to see how our provision works. Children can come dressed as their favourite animal in the morning. Please come to the normal entrance and staff will be there to greet you.
Nursery Stay & Play - Tuesday 6th February - 2pm-3pm
Reception Stay & Play - Thursday 8th February - 1:30-3pm
(For 30-hour Nursery children, parent and carers are welcome to join the Reception Stay & Play and the children can come dressed like animals on Thursday as well)
And finally...
We hope you have a fantastic weekend, I think we all need a chilled one after having such a busy week! Mrs Wierzbianski is taking her daughter to watch Man Utd Women play football, Ms Pascoe is celebrating her son's 5th birthday, Mrs Shirra is watching her daughter's dance show and Mr Watson will be catching up with friends. Whatever you decide to do, we hope you enjoy yourselves. We will see you all bright and early on Monday morning for our final week before half term where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.
Parkland Pride
Layton - Show you care
For showing lots of enthusiasm in his learning this week.
Lena - Be Yourself Always
For making her friends and teachers smile, sharing humour and interests.
Mayzee - Do What Matters Most
For completing her challenges and persevering with tricky tasks.
Year 1
Amelia – Show You Care
For helping others and trying her best even when not feeling 100%.
Jamien – Do What Matters Most
For always being a good friend in Year 1.
Year 2
Chloe – Do What Matters Most
For always doing the right thing and following all ways of being.
Ava – Succeed Together
For working hard in all lessons especially Maths.
Year 3
Lilly O - Succeed Together
For always showing her love for learning in every subject. Her admiration towards working hard and supporting her peers. You are showing true role model behaviour.
Ralph – Succeed Together
For his perseverance and hard work in Maths, Ralph is always ready to give reasons for his answers. Well done!
Year 4
Ruby – Do What Matters Most
For an absolute 180-degree shift in her attitude to learning and manner in class. Keep it up superstar!
Louis – Show You Care
For putting extra effort into his work and contributing more in class. We love hearing your ideas.
Year 5
Layla-Mae – Do What Matters Most
For shining an excellent attitude for learning, working well with others and producing some great work, especially in English!
Cajetan – Do What Matters Most
For working really well this week, staying switched on and doing some great work especially in Maths.
Year 6
Lily - Be Yourself Always
For always pushing yourself to do your best learning across all subjects.
Jayden - Succeed Together
For showing great kindness amongst others always offering support and guidance to complete work and do the right thing.