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Parkland Post - Friday 3rd November 2023

Welcome to a wild, windy and rainy Parkland Post!  What a week it has been - we have had a week of two halves with the majority of children being in school and our Year 6s on residential at Ingleborough Hall.  There has been so much learning going on across the academy and children have been excitedly telling us the new knowledge they now have! 

Attendance Matters

This week's whole school attendance has been 92.5% which is below the government target of 96%.  The winning class this week was Year 5 with 96.15% - well done to them!

Year 6 Residential

Our Year 6 pupils had a brilliant time on their residential, even though we had lots of rain and wind.  They took part in caving, gorge scrambling, orienteering, geocaching, a 6 mile walk, campfire, nightline and a walk through the servants' tunnel which was rather eerie! We are so proud of the way they have worked together, pushed themselves and shown great resilience.  Thank you to Mrs Peacock, Miss Tindall, Mrs Denby, Mr Basit, Miss Villariaza and Mr Barnes who have accompanied them and ensured they had such a wonderful time. 

13th November - Odd Socks Day in support of Anti-Bullying Week (13-17th November)

Please join us in launching Anti-Bullying Week by wearing odd socks to school - they can be as bright and as fluffy as you like!  Our children will be taking part in a number of activities over the course of the week - we will share what they have been up to in the Parkland Post on the 17th, so keep a look-out for that! 

And finally...

We hope you have a fantastic weekend. I know that our Year 6 children will be looking forward to being back in their own beds!  After-school clubs will restart next week - sign up for these in our main office please.  Mr Watson will be seeing some fireworks with his family, Ms Pascoe will be watching the fireworks with her boys, Mrs Shirra will be going for a walk in some Yorkshire heritage and Mrs Wierzbianski will be going to a bonfire party - make sure you keep yourself and others safe and we will see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.

Parkland Pride 


Tyanna - Do What Matters Most

For always wanting to help the adults in Nursery and being a wonderful member of our class.


Arthur – Succeed Together

For working and playing alongside all the children. 

Aubrey – Be yourself, always

For building confidence and caring for other friends. 

Year 1

Arfa – Succeed Together 

For her fantastic improvements in all subjects and finding her voice during group activities. 

Raysa – Show You Care

For her positive attitude to learning and always being helpful to others around school. 

Year 2

Lara - Show You Care

For always helping others, she always uses her manners and kind words. 

Blake – Be Yourself, Always 

For putting amazing effort into all the lessons this week, especially Maths. 

Year 3

Bowie – Do What Matters Most

For showing a fantastic attitude to learning and always working super hard. You are a superstar! 

Keivah – Succeed Together

For working like a true champion and for her new keen and amazing attitude to learning. 

Year 4

Piper – Show You Care

For her fantastic attitude to learning! Always willing and ready to help others! A wonderful role model! 

Sydney – Succeed Together 

For his wonderful drawing from observation. Using his skills in art when creating their own Halloween designs. 

Year 5

Ayrton – Show You Care

For focusing really well in lessons and volunteering to give lots of answers. We were so impressed with his work in English using relative clauses. 

Patrick – Do What Matters Most

For starting this new half-term with a great attitude. He has been working especially hard in English but has been really well in all subjects.