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Parkland Post - Friday 6th October 2023

Welcome to this week's Parkland Post and what a week it has been!  The days seem to be flying by and our academy has been a hive of activity.  Our Co-op Young Leaders have been doing a brilliant job as Playground Buddies during our playtimes and lunchtimes.

Benchball Competition Winners!


On Wednesday, we took 15 of our KS2 children to Co-op Academy Priesthorpe for a Benchball tournament with other academies from the Trust.  Our Year 5 team were winners and proudly returned with a gold medal each - we are so proud of them!  Thank you to everyone who helped to organise the event at Priesthorpe and to Mrs Peacock and Mrs Clegg for taking our children.




Meet the Team Event


Thank you to everyone who attended our Meet the Team event yesterday. Our staff had the chance to chat with families about their child's work so far and how they have settled into their new year group.  We will be sharing the date of our autumn term Parent's Evenings very soon.  


Attendance Reward


Mrs Flaherty and Mrs Peacock led the attendance treat yesterday afternoon for all of our children who had been at school 100% over the last 8 days.  They were able to watch a movie short, whilst enjoying some popcorn.  Well done to each and every one of you and keep up the fabulous attendance!



Attendance Matters


Our Whole School Attendance is 95.12% this week which is 4.39% higher than last week.  We are going to aim for higher than the national average of 96% for attendance next week, please help us to do this by ensuring your children are in school every day and on time.  This week's winners for Class Attendance were Year 1 with 99.14% - WELL DONE!


And finally...


Having a look ahead to this weekend's weather, it looks like Saturday might be the best day with sun and temperatures of around 20 degrees so hopefully you will be able to get out and about enjoying some fresh air.  Mrs Wierzbianski is going to be going shopping and out for lunch in Harrogate, Mrs Shirra will be going out for a walk in the countryside, Ms Pascoe is going to the seaside and Mr Watson is going to be organising his living room as he currently has two sofas - out with the old and in with the new - PIVOT!


We look forward to seeing you all bright and early on Monday morning where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.  Thank you for your continued support. 


Finley – Be Yourself, Always

For trying really hard to sit longer and join in with our carpet sessions.


Broady-Lee – Show you Care

For using his choosing time to practice Phonics.

Maximus – Do What Matters Most

For working hard to blend words together during Fred Talk!

Year 1

Matthew – Do What Matters Most

For participating well in all class activities.

Jacob – Show You Care

For working hard in Maths and joining in well with Phonics!

Year 2

Blayd – Show You Care

For being an excellent role model and always showing care to his peers.  

Ebony – Do What Matter Most

For her continued efforts with independent work, especially in handwriting.

Year 3

Charlie-Joe – Do What Matters Most

For always trying his best and for working super hard in Maths.

Lilly – Show You Care

For being king, considerate and a caring member of the class. You are a superstar!

Year 4

Noah – Show You Care

For being a kind and caring member of Year 4. Noah always works hard and this is shown through his positive attitude for learning. He supports his peers and I am really proud of him!

Corben-Joe – Do What Matters Most

For showing a good attitude in his learning especially History. He worked extremely hard on his fact file about Pharaohs. Well done Corben!

Year 5

Thomas – Show You Care

For showing he cares about learning by focussing better on his work and putting hand up to answer questions much more often.

Lucy – Do What Matters Most

For going the extra mile to complete a fact file and a press release at home!

Year 6

Aoife - Do What Matters Most

For showing fantastic ambition and model learning behaviours. Your kind nature is inspiring to the class!

Scarlett – Succeed Together

For your hard work in all subjects especially maths and your ability to support others with their learning.