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Parkland Post - Friday 12th April 2024

Welcome to this week's Parkland Post - it has been such a positive return after the Easter holidays with Hot Chocolate Chat, new after-school clubs and our Spring Discos!  The Spotlight on Good Work display in our main corridor has been updated and there are some beautiful pieces of work - have a look the next time you are in our academy; we are certain you will be impressed!



This week's attendance winners were Year 4 with 96.9% which is just above the target set by the government - they have won a movie afternoon and extra playtime.  There were no other classes above 96% this week so there are no other classes who can enjoy an extra playtime.  Next week, we are aiming for all classes to be above 96% so they can have an extra playtime and take part in essential learning.  Remember, if your child is in on time every day, they will have a ticket entered into our £50 prize draw - you have to be in it to win it! 


Apple Trees 


During the Easter holidays, a team from Biffa came in and planted 14 apple trees so we can cultivate and grow our own orchard.  We would like to thank them for their hard work and would also like to thank Emma Ainsworth, our Chair of Governors for organising it all.




Spring Disco


Thank you to our AMAZING PTA for organising and running our Spring Discos yesterday - they were a huge success and the children loved every minute!  Thank you to DJ Wilkin for his brilliant set - there were points in the evening when we felt like we were in Ibiza; the warmer weather certainly helped with this.  

PTA Meeting 16th April 


If you would like to be part of our wonderful PTA, we are holding our next meeting on Tuesday 16th April at 2:40pm; everyone is welcome!  We will be planning the events for the summer term and would love some creative input from you all.  I will even buy some cakes and offer you a cuppa!


Parent Workshops and Stay and Plays


We will be sharing dates for our Parent Workshops with you early next week.  This will be an opportunity for you to come in and see your child's work and take part in an exciting activity.  Keep your eyes peeled for further details. 


And finally...


We hope you have a super weekend and that you manage to get outside in between the rain showers for some fresh air!  We will be sending out a questionnaire next week to see what sort of activities and services you would like to see being offered at our academy.  If you could fill one in and return it to the main office, we would really appreciate it as your views are important to us.  Every questionnaire returned will have a ticket put into a prize draw that will be done in next Friday's Celebration Assembly.  This weekend, Ms Pascoe is going to be visiting family, Mrs Wierzbianski is shopping in Leeds with her daughter (wish me luck), Mr Watson is off to Manchester to see some friends and Mrs Shirra will be having an afternoon with friends. Whatever you decide to do, we hope you enjoy it and we'll see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors will reopen at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.



Parkland Pride Awards


Eden - Be yourself, always

For giving some fantastic descriptions of caterpillars and chrysalises!


Lexi - Be Yourself, Always
For lots of focus and purposeful learning in provision, she made some fantastic caterpillars!

Mayzee – Show You Care
For her focus in Maths. She matched pairs and spotted even numbers.

Year 1

Raheim – Do What Matters Most
For his fantastic return after the holidays. He has shown great improvement in areas, especially his active listening.

Willow- Be Yourself, Always

For her positive contributions during class discussions, have shown how much she has grown in confidence.

Year 2

Nevaeh – Do What Matters Most

For showing more focus in lessons and encouraging

Clark – Do What Matters Most

For joining in well in all lessons, showing real effort to do his best.

Year 3

Ruby – Be Yourself, Always

For always being a ray of sunshine. Your enthusiasm shines in your learning.

Anirudh – Do What Matters Most

For settling in so beautifully, your attitude is radiating the class. Your attitude to learning is shining.

Year 4

Mollie – Show You Care

For always caring about the running of our classroom and offering to help myself and others to make our days brighter.

Leo – Be Yourself, Always

For always being a kind and considerate member of Year 4. Leo never fails to make me smile with his lovely words.

Year 5

Catejan – Succeed Together

For focusing really well this week and giving his all. Working hard helps others and the class work really well as a team!

Kiarna – Do What Matters Most

For always being on task, showing a great attitude and being an excellent role model for the rest of the class.

Year 6

Tommy – Be Yourself, Always

For always being so polite and kind. You are a joy to teach and I always love reading and seeing your work. You show so much respect for yourself

Bradley – Show You Care

For showing excellent determination in your learning and great effort. Keep it up!