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Parkland Post - Friday 15th March 2024

Welcome to this week's Parkland Post!  We turned our academy RED today in aid of Red Nose Day.  We started the day with a Big Family Breakfast and it was wonderful to welcome so many families (our biggest turnout ever!) - we will get you all to book in next time so we can have more than enough bacon for our sandwiches!  Thank you to Mrs Peacock, Mrs Denby, Steve from St John's Church, Mr Wilkin who helped to set up and all the staff and parents who helped to serve and clear up; we really did Succeed Together!

Red Nose Day 

Thank you to everyone who has sent a donation for dressing up on Red Nose Day and donations for the Family Breakfast - we have raised a grand total of £177.61  This will go towards helping a wide range of amazing charities - thank you for your generosity. #showyoucare 

Maths Olympics Event

Four of our Year 6 pupils went to 1 Angel Square in Manchester yesterday to take part in the Co-op Academies Maths Olympics event.  Their brains were exhausted by the end of the day as they had taken part in a range of maths based activities which got them working well together as a team.  We are so proud of them, they were great representations of our academy and although they didn't win, they had a fantastic time.  Thank you to Miss Tindall and Mrs Clegg for taking them to the event.

Attendance Matters

Our whole school attendance this week was 91.6% which falls short of the government target of 96% which we really need to be working on.  Remember, if your child simply has a headache or a sniffle, please send them into school as more often than not, they are fine as the day goes on.  The class with the highest attendance this week was Year 3 who won an extra playtime as well as another extra playtime because they were above 96% - well done to them and keep it up!  Remember, next week, we will have our prize draw for all of the children who have been in every day and on time - you have to be in it to win it!!

Parents' Evenings

Next week, we are having our spring term Parents' Evenings on Tuesday 19th from 3:30-6pm and on Wednesday 20th from 3:30-4:30pm (Nursery Parents' Evenings are Monday 18th and Wednesday 20th).  Please make sure you have booked your appointment through Arbor - thank you to everyone who has signed up for the Parent Portal on Arbor.  If you haven't signed up, please can you do it as this is the main way we will be communicating with parents moving forward; thank you.

Dance with YACAD 

Next week, Year 1 parents/carers are invited on a Monday afternoon from 2:45 pm to watch their dance performance this term. After watching the performance, parents/carers are welcome to collect their children early from their classroom door.

Dance at the after-school club also invites all parents/carers to watch the performance that they have been working on this term from 4:00 pm next Monday. 

Year 4 parents/carers are also invited on Wednesday afternoon from 2:45 pm to watch their dance performance this term. After watching the performance, parents/carers are welcome to collect children early from their classroom door.

Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) - Monday 25th March - Thursday 28th March

We are running an Easter Holiday programme led by Yorkshire Academy of Creative Arts & Dance (YACAD). *Please note that only children who are eligible for Free School Meals/Pupil Premium can receive a funded place. If you are interested in any of the activities above, please sign up through the HAF portal If you need any support, please email 

*Please note that only children who are eligible for Free School Meals/Pupil Premium will receive a code from Yorkshire Academy of Creative Arts & Dance. You can still book through the YACAD website without a code for £10 per day. 

And finally...

Thank you for all your contributions to our wider academy life - it really makes me smile when we have so many families supporting our events.  We hope that you have a fun-filled weekend, whatever you decide to do.  Mrs Wierzbianski will be resting to fully get over the nasty bug which rudely got her this week, Ms Pascoe will be celebrating her husband's birthday, Mrs Shirra will be having a spring-clean of the house and Mr Watson will be having a day out with family. We will see you all bright and early on Monday morning where our doors will open at 8:40 am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.

Parkland Pride 


Tommy - Be yourself, always

For being a good communicator and showing us what he is enjoying.


Broady - Be Yourself, Always
For being brave at the doctor's this week

Erin S – Do what matters most
For sitting beautifully, listening, and contributing in inputs - Erin has drawn some beautiful pictures too, which shows her amazing vocabulary learnt during lessons!

Year 1

Alyssa – Succeed Together

For taking part during PE, well done! You worked really hard.

Beaux – Succeed Together

For showing active listening and trying her best at all times.

Year 2

Amelia – Succeed together

For working hard on her table – encouraging others to work

Freddie – Show You Care

For showing maturity and looking after his friends and making great choices.

Year 3

Olivia – Be Yourself, Always

For her spectacular efforts and writing in English. Olivia has used her creative skills to form a beautiful poem in English. It’s amazing, keep it up!  

Jude - Succeed Together

For his amazing kind and compassionate attitude towards his teachers and peers. You are a delight to teach!

Year 4

Angel-Rose – Do What Matters Most

For constantly having her friends back. You are so kind and generous with your time and words.

Lilly T – Show You Care

For always being such a delight to have in class. You are such a hard worker and care about your learning so much.

Year 5

Ellie-Mae – Be Yourself, Always

For always putting in the extra effort. She has made excellent progress in the last few weeks and her attitude for learning an example of everyone.

Vanesa – Succeed Together

For always being a team player, working well with everyone in the class and showing a really good attitude all week.

Year 6

Scarlett T – Be Yourself, Always

For trying so hard in your maths and succeeding! A true example of determination! Well done!

Mason, Millicent, Peyton and Regan - Succeed Together

For your great team work skills, mathematical knowledge and resilience at maths Olympics! You made yourself and school proud!