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Parkland Post - Friday 23rd February 2024

Welcome to our first week back of Spring 2 - well done to everyone who has been in school and on time every day, your names have been written on a raffle ticket and have been put into the prize draw to win £50!  Every class that is above 96% will also receive an extra playtime - remember, you have to be in it to win it!  

Learning around the academy


There has been loads of learning going on in each class as I've walked around this week - the children have been so keen to share their learning!  I've been so impressed by Year 2 in particular who have brought some fantastic pieces of work to show me that they have completed here and some brilliant homework!  Harrison brought in his fabulous papier mache moon and Amelia had created the solar system and completed many other pieces of work which were absolutely incredible!  Curriculum information has been sent home with your child today so you can see what they will be learning and what you can do at home to support them.


World Book Day


We will be celebrating World Book Day Thursday 7th March and the theme is 'A Book at Bedtime' so you can come dressed in pyjamas or if you'd prefer, a book character.  We will be sharing more information about this next week so keep a look out for it!

Red Nose Day


We will be supporting Red Nose Day on Friday 15th March.  We are asking for you to send a donation, buy a red nose or take part in our Reddy, Steady Bake Off!  There will be a Red Nose Day raffle and tickets will be for sale the week before Red Nose Day and we'll draw the winning tickets on the 15th in our Celebration Assembly.  We will share more details of this nearer the time!

And finally...


We hope you have a wonderful weekend and manage to get out in the fresh air.  Mrs Wierzbianski is going to see Rick Astley in concert (Never Gonna Give You Up...), Ms Pascoe is celebrating with her family and having a nice Sunday dinner, Mrs Shirra is celebrating her sister's birthday and Mr Watson is celebrating a friend's engagment. Whatever you decide to do, we hope you have a great time.  We'll see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am!


Parkland Pride Awards 


Phoebe - Be Yourself, Always

For having some fantastic creative ideas 


Aubrey - Be Yourself, Always

For increased confidence and joining in with PE.

Lincoln - Show You Care

For practising his handwriting and putting in lots of effort.

Year 1

Jagoda - Succeed Together

For working hard in all her lessons. Jagoda is a wonderful friend to all her classmates. 

Kayleigh-Mae - Succeed Together

For concentrating well in class. Kayleigh-Mae is a positive, happy and helpful member of Year 1!

Year 2

Bridie – Do What Matters Most

For working hard and always being helpful.

Jessica – Be Yourself, Always

Always got a big smile on her face and kind to everyone. 

Year 3

Geoffrey – Show You Care

For showing his caring and compassionate attitude towards his peers and teachers.

Alice – Do What Matters Most

For always trying her best in everything. Keep putting 100% into everything. Well done!

Year 4

Charlea – Be Yourself, Always

For being truly wonderful. You always give your full effort and attention to the things which matter.

Sydney – Show You Care

For taking feedback on board and really working on his organisation before lessons! Well done!

Year 5

Lucy – Be Yourself, Always

For getting into her school work and really enjoying learning Her work in DT was excellent and we were all so impressed with the weaving she did at home!

Tiana – Succeed Together

For always working well with others, she is a great team player and works exceptionally well in group work. Keep it up Tiana!

Year 6

Aoife - Do What Matters Most

For being so determined and having the confidence to believe in yourself. You have made incredible progress and I loved your setting description. 

Max - Show You Care

For always asking inquisitive questions about your learning and being determined to push for the correct answers and explore further. You are always working to be the best version of yourself. Well done.