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Parkland Post - Friday 9th February 2024

Welcome to this week's wintry Parkland Post.  I wanted to start by thanking you all for collecting your children so quickly and for being patient as we organised this yesterday as a result of the snowy conditions.  Today's non-uniform day was just what we needed to get us ready for the weekend and half term holidays! 


Our fabulous Co-op Young Leaders have received a certificate to mark that they have completed 24 hours of volunteering which I'm sure you'll agree is phenomenal.  We are so lucky to have such diligent pupils who ensure they fulfil their jobs every single day; thank you.  

Great Big Breakfast #greatbigbreakfast 

Breakfast Club had a flipping good time this morning as part of the Great Big Breakfast.  They made and flipped pancakes, added fruit and enjoyed bagels, cereal and milk.  As you can see, they had a great time!  Thank you to our Breakfast Club staff for organising this - we really do appreciate it. 


This week's winning class was Year 3 with 94.6% - they won an extra playtime on our Attendance Prize Wheel!  Our whole school attendance this week was 90.5% which falls short of the target of 96%.  We are going to have a BIG push on attendance next half term: any child who reaches 96% or above each week will have a raffle ticket put into a prize draw to win £50 at the end of the half term - you have to be in it to win it!  

And finally...

It has been a fabulous half term and it really does seem like it has flown.  We normally share our weekend plans but this week, we thought we would share our plans for the holiday.  Mrs Wierzbianski is going to stay with friends in Norfolk, Ms Pascoe is spending quality time with family, Mrs Shirra is spending time with her girlie friends for a good catch up and Mr Watson is hopefully getting a ferry into Europe.  We hope whatever you decide to do that you enjoy yourselves and stay safe.  
We are back on Monday 19th February where our doors will open bright and early at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am; see you then and thank you for your support!

Parkland Pride


Hunter – Be yourself, always

For being a good friend to his classmates and for trying his best.


Faith - Succeed Together

For joining in with friends on the carpet during music and movement time.

Erin S - Do What Matters Most

For listening during lessons, and drawing a beautiful fossil with labels like Mary Anning

Year 1

Hudson – Be yourself, always

For concentrating in all lessons. Completing all tasks given in a timely manner- Well done!

Arfa – Do What Matters Most

For being more independent during lessons and trying very hard in Phonics.

Year 2

Harper – Do What Matters Most

For her consistent 100% scores in accelerated reader. Harper shows real love of reading.

Nikki – Be Yourself, Always

For always behaving beautifully and being a good role model!

Year 3

Indira – Show You Care

For her smiley, passionate and love for her peers and teachers. Indira is a considerate and caring member of the class. A true role model!

Rodney – Do What Matters Most

For turning into an amazing hard worker with an amazing attitude towards learning. Your engagement and confidence is shining, keep it up!

Year 4

Melissa – Do What Matters Most

For always supporting her friends in need! Thanks for being there for us!

Fabien – Show You Care

For making such a huge improvement in his effort during English. We have loved hearing your ideas!

Year 5

Alice – Be Yourself, Always

For always giving her all in class, she’s been excellent at asking for help when she needs it. Her biography work has been great and her maths is brilliant.

Tia – Show You Care

For working really well with everyone this week. She is getting on well with her table group and it’s having an excellent effect on her work.

Year 6

Scarlett Leigh- Be Yourself, Always

For making some excellent choices, doing some fantastic work and being an absolute joy to teach! 

Kaja - Be Yourself, Always

For smashing your maths learning and making so much progress! Your effort, enthusiasm and determination are paying off! Well done!