Proud to be part of the
Co-op Academies Trust
Proud to be part of the
Co-op Academies Trust
A Warm Welcome
From our Headteacher
Mrs Charlotte Wierzbianski, Headteacher
Welcome to Co-op Academy Parkland, I am proud to be the Head of Academy. I have been teaching since 2001 and have enjoyed a happy career in a variety of schools. I came to Parkland in 2018 and began teaching in Year 6 in addition to being Assistant Head. I have loved my time here building relationships with our families and was thrilled to be appointed as Head of Academy in June 2022. I have a personal interest in improving the outcomes for every child within our academy; especially when it comes to careers related learning. I am determined to provide a high quality education which develops aspirations and challenges stereotypes along the way.
Welcome to this week's fun-filled Parkland Post and what a week it has been! We have had a brilliant day today raising money for Comic Relief - we all wore something red or non-uniform and did something funny for money! Our Parkland's Got Talent showcased just how incredibly tale...
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Co-op Academy Parkland's brand new Early Years classrooms welcomed our Reception and Nursery children on Monday 3 March, marking the culmination of a four-week transformation.
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Welcome to this week's Parkland Post, we have had so many things going on this week that we are glad for the weekend to finally arrive so we can all recharge for next week! We have had lots of visitors in our academy this week who have said our pupils are incredibly polite, always had a smile on...
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Early reading is an area of strength in the school. Leaders have ensured a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics. Staff benefit from regular coaching and support to teach phonics to a high standard.
Pupils with SEND are supported effectively in class. Personalised plans identify the actions required to support individual pupils. Leaders work with parents and carers to review the progress of pupils with SEND.
The Co-op curriculum supports the school’s teaching of personal, social, health and economic themes. Pupils learn about other peoples’ faiths and beliefs. They visit places of worship as well as other cultural venues in the city. There are opportunities for pupils to develop leadership responsibilities by representing their peers at the school council.
Members of the eco-warriors group attended a conference to learn about zero-carbon footprints. They have started an after-school club to find ways to reduce the school’s carbon footprint. The many opportunities available to pupils effectively contribute towards supporting their broader development.